#MNRbarcelona: The [Barcelona] Midnight Run * 8/9 Jun.’13
For people who, instead of sleeping, want to live dreams…
Video Reportage by Emmanuelle Martin & Ismael Guillermo Ordaz Reyes:
Photo Reportage by Jonathan Edery:
walking to Parc del Laberint d’Horta
playing @ Parc del Laberint
CCT-Bag & MNR-Bag
dancing with Sheila Ruiz @ Plaza del Sol in Gracia
slalom @ Barrio Gracia
listening to Tania Muñoz, storyteller
dinner @ D’aqui (Gracia): enjoying gazpacho y paella!
stop @ PINZA’T Store/Gallery
meeting Mono & Peca @ Fousion Gallery (El Born): Peca Exhibition + short film “L
*Secrets de Ciutat Vella (with Tana Gomis – TACATA & MATERIAbcn) @ Barri Gòtic y El Born
*Secrets de Ciutat Vella (Secrets of the Old Town) @ Plaza de la Catedral
*Secrets de Ciutat Vella (Secrets of the Old Town) @ Plaça del Rei
Inua Ellams among Sputnik (first dog in the history to join a MNR!) & CCTrolley
visiting Galeria Maxó
acoustic gig by Wiggum @ Galeria Maxó
writing letters and making paper ships @ Jardins de les Tres Xemaneies (Poble Sec)
SUNSET! Breakfast with croissantitos y zumos & Greetings @ Mirador de Miramar! Love, CCT&MNR
Here the Full Gallery by Jonathan Edery:
The Midnight Run (MNR) is an urban movement created on 2006 by the word & graphic artist Inua Ellams from London (’84, Nigerian origins): writer and theatre performer (also resident poet at Tate Modern) and graphic designer (among his clients BBC, Coca Cola, Puma). The MNR is a 12-hours walk (from 6am to 6pm) lead by Inua and 5 local artists with 30 participants. The walk is half organized and half spontaneous; during the various stops/breaks, the artists realize their live performances involving even the passers-by. – To know more, read here: The Midnight Run! – Since 2011, CCT-SeeCity promotes The MNR in Italy and in the world! On September 2012, CCT has organized the first MNRs abroad UK in two cities: Firenze and Milano. And now we can say we made it for the first time also in Spain! * The [Barcelona] Midnight Run * 8/9 Jun.’13
THANKS from the heart to all the Partners who have contributed to realize this great little dream. THANKS from the heart to all the Artists who have made us smile and moved. THANKS from the heart to all the MNRunners who, that night, have lived this dream with us.
Inua Ellams + local ARTISTS:
– Sheila Ruiz, dancer
– Tania Muñoz, storyteller
– Wiggum, band: http://
– Mono & Peca: http://artedepeca.blogspot.com.es/ & http://lacompetitiva.blogspot.com.es/
– Maxó Rennella: http://galeriamaxo.com/
– Jonathan Edery, photographer: http://www.flickr.com/
– Emmanuelle Martin & Ismael Guillermo Ordaz Reyes, videomakers (from IED Barcelona: http://www.ied.es/barcelona)
Main Partner:
– MATERIA BCN: http://www.materiabcn.com/
– Tacatá. Servicios culturales: http://
– Fousion Gallery: http://fousiongallery.com/
– Galería Maxó: http://galeriamaxo.com/
– PINZA’T: http://www.pinzat.org/
– IED Barcelona: http://www.ied.es/barcelona
– Meltin’Pot: http://meltinpot.com/
Media Partner:
– DATE*HUB: http://www.date-hub.com/
– Anthony H. Gray
– David Dulceany
– Edit R. Tafilaj
– Elena Mazzoni W.
– Francesca Guerrera
– Jasmin Waschl
– Jordi Roura
– Kai
– Laura
– Lavinia Biancalani
– Linda Uldrich
– Maja Chrzanowska
– Margaux Morganti
– Michael Evans
– Patric Alfred Haroldo
– Roberto Alagna
– Tim Steini
– and…
* if your name is missing, please let us know! We’ll add it, thanks.
In the Midnight motto, ‘star’ can be taken literally,
or as a metaphor for art, artists, experiences
and the people in the shadow of the city,
in which case it takes on a beauty and importance:
The Midnight Run //
Cause we can’t see stars for fumes
we turn to smashed glass, believing
shards shine like constellations do.
Inua Ellams
Site: themnr.com | Facebook: The Midnight Run | Twitter: @themidnightrun | Flickr: themnr
CCT promotes the MNR in Italy and in the World!
Do you want ‘The Midnight Run’ in your city?
Email us: events@cct-seecity.com