ITALIA L’Appennino (o gli Appennini) è una catena montuosa che, riallacciandosi alle Alpi a nord del Golfo di Genova, forma, per 1350 km, la spina dorsale della penisola italiana fino allo Stretto di Messina, oltre il quale continua nei rilievi settentrionali della Sicilia. Seguendo con gli occhi il percorso che disegna sulla cartina geografica attraversiamo l’Italia in verticale, tra est ed ovest. Ecco allora che il paesaggio rivela un Paese diverso, non più suddiviso tra nord e sud, bensì unito al suo centro da una civiltà in cui affondano le nostre radici e in cui possiamo seminare il nostro futuro.

SEETIES Now we let ourselves be inspired by the birthday gift received from Barcelona, the city where CCT – 10 years ago – began its journey. A map of the world (in cork) on which to mark one’s steps, those already made but especially those still to accomplish. It says “LET’S TRAVEL THE WORLD” and today that’s our birthday seems like the perfect day to start dreaming of and planning new explorations, in search of many other stories to share… The perfect day to restart from here. #SeeCity #OneWorld – Love, CCTeam

PISTOIA A few summers ago, while we were hosting the #CCTravellers in the Italian Capital of Culture 2017, we discovered a place that we fell in love with at the first encounter. Yes, with Castagno di Piteccio it was love at first sight. And among the Creative Curious Travellers, who came to Tuscany from various parts of the World, with whom we repeatedly visited this tiny #BorgoMuseo a few kilometers from the city, there’s even someone who told us: “it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen”.

PALERMO Here are the 60 guests selected through the “CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018” that has received 412 submissions from all around the World! The #CCTravellers2018 will spend some days in Palermo – Italian Capital of Culture 2018 – from 14th June to 24th July, to explore the city and find their story… to tell and share on our web guidezine! * photo by Simona Lo Nero | travel blogger from Palermo at []