#CCTravellers2018, welcome to Palermo!

PALERMO Here are the 60 guests selected through the CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018” that has received 412 submissions from all around the World! The #CCTravellers2018 will spend some days in Palermo – Italian Capital of Culture 2018 – from 14th June to 24th July, to explore the city and find their story… to tell and share on our web guidezine!

In this guest LIST, below, there is a short introduction about everyone but – if you are curious – you can find out many beautiful things about the creativity of these writers, photographers, filmmakers, illustrators, artists from all around the World, just clicking on their websites, blogs or social media. 😉

Welcome Home! & More…

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR THE CITY! According to their passions and cultural interests, we’ll be super happy to put our special guests in touch with creative curious locals and cultural independent organisations. So, if you are based in Palermo and would like to meet and create something together with one or more #CCTravellers2018, please contact the CCTeam [email: hello@cct-seecity.com | tel. +39 366 9777735]. Thank you!

412 submissions!

First of all, we are very happy and truly thankful for every single submission, it was so difficult for us and the LOCAL JURY – composed by four independent cultural organisations based in Palermo: CLAC + @Igers.Palermo + MINIMUM + PUSH. – to make this selection!

Our CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018 has received 412 submissions from all around the World, all interesting and passionate. For technical limits, it was supposed to host maximum 40 / 50 people. We have tried to do our best to guarantee the widest diversity in storytelling formats, creativity and cultural backgrounds. And also we have tried to do our best to host as much people as possibile: in the end we’ll manage to welcome 60 #CCTravellers2018 from all around the World! For this, we must thank: MAD B&B, Bed & Book, A Casa di Amici, Stupor Mundi, Palazzo del Poeta.

We do wish to keep in touch with all the candidates anyway – there will be other calls! – and please note this: our community is always OPEN. // THANK YOU everyone from the bottom of our heart! 

60 #CCTravellers2018!

This LIST is in ALPHABETICAL ORDER (considering the first name of the people who submitted the application for him/herself or for his/her own team). If you are in the list, you can start sharing the good news and your travel experience in Palermo (before/during/after) with (in particular) these HASHTAGS: #CCTravellers2018, #Palermo2018, #IgersPalermo, #CCTravellers, #SeeCity. Also, we suggest you to always TAG @CCTseecity + all the Partners involved and all the Places that will welcome you: this way for all of us will be easier to interact with you, like and share… BE CURIOUS, CREATIVE & SOCIAL! 😉 

Note: in these days, we’ll email you info and details about your stay in Palermo and then we’ll get in touch again before your arrival. For any question or doubt, do not hesitate to contact the CCTeam.

#CCTravellers is an idea by CCT-SeeCity. A co-storytelling project for the promotion of Creativity, Culture, Territory. An opportunity for every creative curious traveller but also (and especially) for the city involved. An editorial format based on the idea of a conscious and sustainable, slow and widespread tourism, in contact with the most authentic local life. 

The #CCTravellers2018 project for the City of Palermo is our third edition (after Prato 2016 and Pistoia 2017).

We can’t wait to welcome you all! See you soon in Palermo, #CCTravellers2018! 🙂 #SeeCity & Love, CCTeam

#CCTravellers2018 - poster - WELCOME HOME* photo by Simona Lo Nero | travel blogger from Palermo at [spaghettievaligie.it]


who: Amie Lin | visual artist & travel blogger

from: Taipei, Taiwan / Berlin, Germany

with: Matteo Marchesi | contemporary dancer & choreographer

from: Bergamo, Italy

when: 22 – 26 June

what: amielinart.com + amie-travel-blog.tumblr.com | @lin_amie | Matteo Marchesi FB page

who: Ana Claver Lacasa | photographer

with: Marta Claver Lacasa | illustrator

from: Huesca, Aragon, Spain

when: 26 – 30 June

what: @aniann_ | www.martaclaverlacasa.com

who: Angelika Böck | artist & interior designer

with: friend/assistant

from: München, Germany

when: 12 – 16 July

what: angelika-boeck.de

who: Anna Konevskaya | travel blogger & instagramer

from: Samara, Russia / Paris, France

with: Candice Perrin | instagramer

from: Paris, France / Switzerland

when: 20 – 24 July

what: annacossack.com | @annacossack & @candiceperrin

who: Anna Scrigni | travel blogger & instagramer

from: Trieste/Roma, Italy

when: 30 June – 4 July

what: annascrigni.com | @anna.scrigni

who: Anna Sofia Pozzato | journalist, artist & art therapist

from: Milano, Italy

with: Chen Yuxi | interior designer

from: China / Milano, Italy

when: 16 – 20 July

what: sensanostra.com/author/sofia-pozzato@anna____sophie | @gruppotra

who: Antoine Séguin | architect & photographer, founder of GANG 

with: Iris Akram | architect & illustrator 

from: Paris, France

when: 16 – 20 July

what: antoineseguin.com | @antoine_seguin_ + @irisakram

who: Austin Blair | photographer

from: Seattle, Washington, USA / Berlin, Germany

who: Thomas Treadway | digital designer

from: Seattle, Washington, USA / Hamburg, Germany

when: 4 – 8 July

what: @abstee.z | tomtreadway.com

who: Asu Ceren Yazgan | designer & illustrator

from: Istanbul, Turkey / Berlin, Germany

when: 8 – 12 July

what: asuceren.com | @asuceren


who: Belle Chen | pianist & sound artist

with: friend/assistant

from: Kaohsiung, Taiwan / Brisbane, Australia / London, UK

when: 12 – 16 July

what: www.bellechen.com | @bellepianist

who: Bethany Walrond | illustrator

from: UK / Berlin, Germany

with: Edmund Eva & George Baldwin | digital artist duo 

from: Bristol, UK / Berlin, Germany

when: 20 – 24 July

what: bethwalrond.com | @bethwalrond + eegb.co | @eegb_Drawing

who: BroCool | culinary research collective = Mario Cossu | actor + Emma Spiga | architect + Diego Parbuono | filmmaker

from: Italy / Budapest, Hungary

when: 4 – 8 July

what: Vimeo channel | Facebook page@brocool.food


who: Comò Mag | Chiara Tonelli + Nicolò Davoli

from: Reggio Emilia, Italy

when: 12 – 16 July

what: www.comomag.it | @comomag


who: Eleonora Tricarico | travel blogger

from: Gallipoli/Lecce, Italy

when: 6 – 10 July

what: www.tricaricovunque.com | @eleonora.tricarico

who: Ellis van der Does | illustrator & designer 

from: Utrecht, The Netherlands / London, UK

when: 8 – 12 July

what: ellisvanderdoes.com | @ellis__.d


who: Federica Santini | CCTzen

from: Pistoia, Italy | city of the #CCTravellers2017!

with: Elisa Fondrieschi | instagramer

from: Torino, Italy 

when: 8 – 12 July

what: @federicasantini_it & @elisiir_

who: Foodtellers | food blog by Pietro Contaldo & Laura Gargiulo

from: Napoli, Italy

when: 18 – 22 July

what: foodtellers.it | @foodtellers = @Pedro_cn & @Elle_byg


who: Holly McKelvey | science explorer & illustrator

from: USA / Germany

when: 8 – 12 July

what: holly-draws.com


who: Ilaria Gori | digital strategist, blogger & instagramer

with: Valentina Dainelli | social media manager, blogger & instagramer

from: Firenze, Italy

when: 4 – 8 July

what: @justilago | @toomuchtuscany


who: Jean-Yves Leblon | photographer

from: Bruxelles, Belgium

when: 18 – 22 June

what: @jyl

who: João Pedro | filmmaker & storyteller

with: friend/assistant

from: São Paulo, Brazil / Berlin, Germany

when: 19 – 23 July

what: YouTube channel@gogomole

who: Johanna Lee | writer

from: USA / Berlin, Germany

when: 22 – 26 June

what: johannajuni.com | @johanna_juni


who: Laura Sindell | artist

from: Seattle, Washington, USA

when: 4 – 8 July

what: laurasindell.com

who: Laurelle Kamara | photographer & filmmaker

with: Cameron Craggs | filmmaker & photographer

from: Newcastle, UK

when: 18 – 22 June

what: photobylaurelle.co.uk | cameroncraggs.co.uk


who: Marija Stankovic | architect & graphic designer, visual artist & storyteller

with: Danica Vranic | architect & photographer/videographer 

from: Belgrade, Serbia

when: 8 – 12 July

what: pieces-of-the-day.tumblr.com + medium.com/@marija.s@makijanac & @vrdanje

who: Melissa Cheman | journalist & writer

from: Paris, France

when: 20 – 24 July

what: melissa-on-the-road.blogspot.it@melissaontheroad

who: Michele Fabbricatore | sculptor, ceramist and illustrator

from: Pistoia, Italy | city of the #CCTravellers2017!

when: 12 – 16 July

what: michelefabbricatore.it


who: Niamh Farrelly | filmmaker

with: Harriet Foster | artist

from: Bristol, UK

when: 12 – 16 July

what: niamhfarrelly.com | harrietliddellfoster.co.uk


who: Oscar Palomares | street photographer

with: Carlos Prieto | street photographer 

with: Javier Martín | street photographer

from: Barcelona, Spain

when: to be confirmed!

what: oscar-palomares-street-photography | calle35.com | javiermartinphoto.com


who: Reverie (Eloisa Reverie Vezzosi) | artist

from: Italy

when: 14 – 18 June

what: www.reverieinarte.com | @reverie_erv


who: Sabrina Weniger | photographer

from: Düsseldorf, Germany

when: 14 – 18 June

what: sabrinaweniger.de | @sabrinaweniger

who: Stefania Rinaldi | art curator & editor, founder of CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporaneo

with: Simone Ridi | photographer

from: Prato, Italy | city of the #CCTravellers2016!

when: 20 – 24 July

what: cutcircuitourbanotemporaneo.com | simoneridi.it


who: Venelina Preininger | photographer & CCTzen

with: Daniela Tsoncheva | coach specialised in art therapy and cultural cross communication

from: Frankfurt, Germany

when: 30 June – 4 July

what: www.venelina.me@venelina.me | @art.differently

who: Veronica Veronesi | art curator & gallery owner

with: Emanuela Zanon | art critic & blogger

from: Bologna, Italy

when: 14 – 18 June

what: gallleriapiu.com (art gallery) + ohcristo.com (web radio) | julietartmagazine.com/it/author/emanuela/


who: What’s Good Newsletter | co-founded by journalists Jennifer Padjemi & Mélody Thomas

from: Paris, France

when: 16 – 20 July

what: @whatsgoodnewsletter = buzzfeed.com/jenniferpadjemi/ (@padjemisme) + melodythomas.fr (@melody___t)


who: Zaira Magliozzi | architect & travel blogger

with: Daniele Paolo Dodi | photographer

from: Roma, Italy

when: 26 – 30 June

what: zairamagliozzi.com | @zairamagliozzi


#SeeCity & Love, CCTeam

If you missed our CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018, here you can learn more about… And then stay tuned for the NEXT CALL! 😉 

CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018

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CCT-SeeCity is an independent no-profit organisation that promotes Creativity - Culture - Territory. If you like our editorial project, help us to keep it lively and free with a little contribution. Support #SeeCity & Share! ❤
Thank you, CCTeam