PRATO-FIRENZE Precisamente due mesi fa, dal 22 al 24 Novembre 2024, per il progetto gioia libera tuttə 2024 | CALL for Feminist #CCTravellers, ospitavamo presso la Residenza Creativa di CCT a Prato, lə primə tre Feminist #CCTravellers della Storia! In ordine alfabetico: Asia Musicco, Gemma Marotta, Ilaria Nassa. Su [il sito progettato da CCT studio per mappare e raccontare l’Italia Femminista! – online dal 24 ottobre 2024], abbiamo pubblicato quanto immaginato e realizzato dallə tre “Creative Curious Travellers” dopo l’esperienza vissuta durante la VII edizione del Festival L’Eredità delle Donne a Firenze…

PRATO-FIRENZE This year, in the OFF Calendar of the VII edition of L’Eredità delle Donne Festival (held in the Tuscan capital, at Manifattura Tabacchi, from 22nd to 24th November 2024) there is also the Creative Residence of CCT (based in Prato) designed to offer hospitality in exchange for one story on the feminist future or rather on how it is possible to imagine (therefore create) an increasingly feminist future starting from a reflection on the territories we inhabit and cross as citizens and travellers. And with this small satellite event in full CCT style and so much emotion, we finally go online with the website [] of our project gioia libera tuttə, a dream that blossomed exactly one year ago to map and tell about the Feminist Italy! #SeeCity #CCTravellers #EDD2024 #ItaliaFemminista #gioialiberatuttə

LIVORNO Un viaggio alla scoperta dell’arte e dell’attivismo di Franca Frittelli e Ariberto Badaloni che parte dalla loro casa-studio di Vada e arriva al Parco delle sculture La Giunca dove, attraverso il loro racconto, veniamo portati anche all’archivio del Centro Ricerche Audiovisive. Una preziosa storia fatta di passione, creatività e territorio.

TUSCANY Visiting La Giunca isn’t just about viewing sculptures; it’s about immersing oneself in a holistic experience where art and nature are intertwined. Whether you’re an art connoisseur, a nature lover, or someone seeking tranquillity and inspiration, La Giunca Sculpture Park offers an escape that can be found nowhere else.

LIVORNO is a seaside city surrounded by many small ancient towns and medieval villages that embellish a landscape made up of rolling hills and golden beaches, those of the Etruscan Coast. Overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea from this fortunate perspective, also Rosignano Marittimo. And it is here that – through this new CALL for #CCTravellers – we invite you! Submit your application by 3rd March 2023! #VisitTuscany #Livorno #RosignanoMarittimo #LaGiunca #CCTravellers #SeeCity

PALERMO in four neighbourhoods that are not featured on many travel guides: Costa Sud, Danisinni, ZEN (Zona Espansione Nord) and Isola delle Femmine. Four places where buildings, villas and tourists disappear in favour of everyday life of Palermitans. Four short stories in the drawings and photos by Antoine Séguin & Iris Akram. #CCTravellers2018

PALERMO, a city that cultivates coexistence. “An infinite imagined garden, a place of beauty and multiculture in its human flowering, in its traces of epochs that overlap and stratify, all visible in a single building, all legitimised to exist beyond the imposed rules.” It’s how Stefania Rinaldi tells about, accompanying the photographs by Simone Ridi in this (true) story signed by the two co-founders of CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporano. #CCTravellers2018


PALERMO inspires. Writer John Muir said: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” And this is what Ana y Marta – two Spanish creative sisters, part of the #CCTravellers2018 project – found during their walk in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. For you, a visual inspirational story. #SeeCity