PALERMO, a city that cultivates coexistence. “An infinite imagined garden, a place of beauty and multiculture in its human flowering, in its traces of epochs that overlap and stratify, all visible in a single building, all legitimised to exist beyond the imposed rules.” It’s how Stefania Rinaldi tells about, accompanying the photographs by Simone Ridi in this (true) story signed by the two co-founders of CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporano. #CCTravellers2018

PALERMO Here are the 60 guests selected through the “CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018” that has received 412 submissions from all around the World! The #CCTravellers2018 will spend some days in Palermo – Italian Capital of Culture 2018 – from 14th June to 24th July, to explore the city and find their story… to tell and share on our web guidezine! * photo by Simona Lo Nero | travel blogger from Palermo at []