MOSCOW Suburban Pastoral is an invitation for a walk around a typical Moscow bedroom district. Nothing special. Only unattractive and quite uninteresting places, people and things. Badly filmed.
But when we call something “bad” and show it, we begin a funny game, which is impossible to lose. The viewer may not like what he sees but he won’t be deceived. Routine can’t be perfect but it doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be portrayed. What does it mean to be perfect and who actually needs it? Quality is a repressive category anyway. I’m not a perfect person, not a perfect woman, not a perfect mother, etc. And who is? Moreover I’d say that I’m probably somehow afraid of perfection. We are surrounded by typical buildings, boring roads, backyards, cars and passersby. In fact all of us are passersby. So let’s get rid of perfection and celebrate the reality as it is. Enjoy your journey!