The [Prato] Midnight Run * 24 June ’17
PRATO È arrivato il momento di iscriversi alla prima “The Midnight Run” pratese! Qui tutte le informazioni sull’evento e su come (ma soprattutto perché!) partecipare. #MNRprato
PRATO È arrivato il momento di iscriversi alla prima “The Midnight Run” pratese! Qui tutte le informazioni sull’evento e su come (ma soprattutto perché!) partecipare. #MNRprato
PRATO Stiamo cercando almeno 5 creativi legati al territorio pratese da coinvolgere nel ‘The Midnight Run’ di Sabato 24 Giugno 2017 (18.00 – 6.00), evento parte del programma culturale ‘Prato Estate 2017’ promosso dal Comune di Prato. #MNRprato
PRATO, 15 December 2016. We’ll wait for you at the Ex Chiesa di San Giovanni – place that more than any other ties us to this city! – to spend an evening with Inua Ellams and other #CCTravellers2016…
LONDON, 4th June 2016. Commissioned by the Balham Literary Festival, this Midnight Run is a walking writing workshop, exploring literary history and talking points from Balham to Brixton.
LONDON, 14th May 2016. The Wandsworth Fringe Midnight Run is a night-time, arts-filled, site-responsive walking tour through Nine Elms and beyond from 6pm to midnight.
ROMA, MADRID, LONDON, BERLIN, PARIS: 5 european capital cities explored from dusk to dawn (6pm-6am) by groups of strangers and local artists (now friends). 5 intense exciting nights we’ll remember forever. Thank you, MNRunners!
PRATO Dopo il successo dello scorso anno, An Harbor torna in concerto all’Ex Chiesa di San Giovanni per celebrare la conclusione del progetto europeo #MNRlight2015.
ROMA, MADRID, LONDON, BERLIN, PARIS: 5 european capital cities explored from dusk to dawn (6pm-6am) by groups of strangers and local artists (now friends). 5 intense exciting nights we’ll remember forever. Thank you, MNRunners! #MNRlight2015
PARIS is the fifth (and last) capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 12 September, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRparis]
BERLIN is the fourth capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 15 August, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRberlin]
LONDON is the third capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 18 July, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRlondon]
MADRID is the second capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 20 June, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRmadrid]