The [Prato] Midnight Run * 24 June ’17
PRATO È arrivato il momento di iscriversi alla prima “The Midnight Run” pratese! Qui tutte le informazioni sull’evento e su come (ma soprattutto perché!) partecipare. #MNRprato
PRATO È arrivato il momento di iscriversi alla prima “The Midnight Run” pratese! Qui tutte le informazioni sull’evento e su come (ma soprattutto perché!) partecipare. #MNRprato
PRATO Stiamo cercando almeno 5 creativi legati al territorio pratese da coinvolgere nel ‘The Midnight Run’ di Sabato 24 Giugno 2017 (18.00 – 6.00), evento parte del programma culturale ‘Prato Estate 2017’ promosso dal Comune di Prato. #MNRprato
ROMA, MADRID, LONDON, BERLIN, PARIS: 5 european capital cities explored from dusk to dawn (6pm-6am) by groups of strangers and local artists (now friends). 5 intense exciting nights we’ll remember forever. Thank you, MNRunners!
BERLIN is the fourth capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 15 August, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRberlin]
MADRID is the second capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 20 June, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRmadrid]
ROMA is the first capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 23 May, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRroma]
The #MNRlight2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, celebrates the International Year of Light: ROMA, 23 May > MADRID, 20 June > LONDON, 18 July > BERLIN, 15 Aug. > PARIS, 12 Sept. * JOIN US!
With this video, simply real and moving, we want to wish Happy Holidays to all of you but especially… a Happy New Year to all the dreamers like us! To people who daydream and who will never stop seeing the world as they imagine and create it!
MADRID, 26/27 July 2014 * The Midnight Run * Video & Photos!!
SEETIES From 10 September to 12 November 2014, every Wednesday at 10.50 pm (Rome Time) on Rai 5 TV, the journey of UBIQ will go on with a series about LITERATURE. On Wednesday 8th October 2014, do not miss our episode!
MADRID * #MNRmadrid, 26/27 Jul.’14 * The Midnight Run is an idea by Inua Ellams // alias phaze05. CCT-SeeCity, after having organized the first MNRs in Italy (the first ones abroad UK) and the first one in Spain, is excited to announce the next eventour!
BARCELONA, 8/9 June 2013 * The Midnight Run * Video & Photos!!