Dear World, andrà tutto bene. From Italy, with love


Everything will be all right.

Stay at home as much as possible and act with responsibility following all the instructions given by the World Health Organization and your local Health Care System, to protect yourself and the people you love, and also to safe travel soon again around the world… around our country, Italy, too! This can be a short time only if YOU start acting NOW.

In the meanwhile, we’ll keep collecting on this page of our web guidezine some positive “postcards” from Italy – the second worst affected country by Coronavirus (COVID-19) after China. All of Italy is in lockdown at the moment, we can currently only move around for reasons of primary needs like food and health, work only for some workers and only if conditions of safety are guaranteed (remote working is highly recommended if possible) or emergencies. Now the most important thing to stay safe is stay home!

#Iorestoacasa means #Istayathome and it’s the hashtag of this surreal but real time. A good thing is the country is digitalising everything! Especially cultural centres, museums, schools, libraries, creatives and artists are putting online and free lots of materials, tools and contents, to remote support Italians at home, from children to adults, during this long quarantine, sharing culture, creativity, music, arts, beauty. – We’ll make soon a list, in another post, of all the places you can visit in Italy through your digital devices… – We love this resistenza culturale (cultural resistance) and all the passionate reactions of Italians, from solidarity to creativity. 

But! Before sharing the Italian message “andrà tutto bene” (everything will be all right), let us recap what’s happening worldwide and why Coronavirus is definitely not “just a flu” with this short list of useful and trustable links: 

ITALY says to the World “everything will be all right” and on this page of our web guidezine we’ll keep collecting for you some positive postcards, moments of music and magic, life and beauty, shared from many balconies and windows of the Italian cities during the Coronavirus pandemic, while the whole country is in lockdown. #SeeCity #OneWorld #AndràTuttoBene


Italians sing from their windows to boost morale – A countrywide lockdown due to coronavirus has not stopped Italians from bursting into morale-boosting song in a nationwide flashmob event. | BBC News


“O mia bela Madunina” played by trumpeter Raffaele Kohler at his home window. The song was written by milanese musician Giovanni D’Anzi in 1935. The “Madunina” is the gilted statue on top of Milan Cathedral. In 1934 Giovanni D’Anzi worked as a pianist and singer at the Pavillon Doré in Milan. At the time the city was receiving thousands of labourers from Italian rural areas, and especially from southern Italy, so he was often prompted by the audience to play songs from the Neapolitan tradition. Therefore he composed this slightly ironical song, which over time became the symbol of the city of Milan. | Video by La Repubblica


Another flashmob, this one to applaude and thank all the Italian Hospitals, all the people working there. One collective applause to say: GRAZIE dottori e dottoresse, infermieri ed infermiere, e tutto il personale di tutti gli ospedali d’Italia per il lavoro straordinario che state facendo. (GRAZIE. ❤︎CCTeam) – @WhatItalyIs


Coronavirus: empty Florence in photos – a gallery by Francesco Spighi on The Florentine


One of the beautiful projection by visual artist David Hartono, from his window onto the facade of a house in Piazza Beccaria. A short video mapping he creates and shows by night, not every day but very often, and every time changing designa and animation, to enternain his neighbours with colourful moments of creativity.Thank you Laura Conti for having sent us this!


Limitiamo gli incontri ma non i sentimenti!– Let’s limit encounters but not feelings! – by painter Fabio De Poli


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🏡 Queste parole dipinte da #FabioDePoli (@depoliarte), le rubiamo dalla sua pagina facebook e le facciamo anche nostre per condividere con voi questo strano momento. #Restiamoacasa per tornare presto ad incontrarci! 🌿🖼 Fino al 3 Aprile o fino a quando dovrà essere, dobbiamo TUTTI comportarci in modo responsabile. Intanto noi continuiamo a lavorare da casa (e cogliamo l’occasione per ricordare che in italiano si dice “lavoro da casa” o “telelavoro” invece di “smart working” che poi in inglese corretto sarebbe “remote working”!) al calendario eventi Maggio-Ottobre 2020 perché vogliamo credere che, grazie alla coscienza e responsabilità di TUTTI NOI, molto presto potremo tornare alla vita di sempre. Se tutti INSIEME ci comportiamo bene, per proteggere noi stessi e gli altri, ci incontreremo presto a #CastagnoDiPiteccio, il #BorgoMuseo di #Pistoia, in #Toscana – #Italia – #Europa – #Mondo. 🇮🇹🇪🇺🌍💚🌰 CdP staff • #IORESTOACASA

Un post condiviso da Castagno di Piteccio (@castagnopit) in data:

ROMA, Italy

“In the neighborhood called San Lorenzo in Rome there is a touch of poetry, where fiction and reality dance together.” – Another adorable video shared by @WhatItalyIs and posted by Aureliano Verità.


Another moment of music and magic. This one by trumpeter Alberto Anguzza. Shared by @WhatItalyIs


Play music, sing and dance. Always! A short video by Guido Tabacco


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Quando il Coronavirus cercò di farci fuori tutti, noi c’eravamo. Barletta, 13 marzo 2020

Un post condiviso da Guido Tabacco (@guidotabacco) in data:

Same balconies. Different music: the national anthem of the Italian Republic – “Il Canto degli Italiani” or “Inno di Mameli“. Another short video by Guido Tabacco.

Same balconies, by night. Same filmmaker: Guido Tabacco.


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Spread love ❤️ (i swear this is the last one 😅)

Un post condiviso da Guido Tabacco (@guidotabacco) in data:

From NORTH to SOUTH, Italy

Italians, in their balconies and windows, playing the national anthem of the Italian Republic – “Il Canto degli Italiani” or “Inno di Mameli“. Here a series of videos from the cities of Milano, Matera, Roma, Lecce, Milano collected by @IG_Italia


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📷 @pastorinoantonella #Milano @franknicoletti1 #Matera @miamarylun #Roma @theutra #Lecce @linus_dj #Milano 📍 #Italia ⠀ Da Nord a Sud tutti alla finestra per cantare. Non solo lenzuoli e bandiere: in tempi di #iorestoacasa gli italiani intonano la ricetta per reagire all’emergenza che li ha messi in quarantena. Tutti assieme, ma ciascuno a casa propria. E il risultato è una melodia, diversa per ogni quartiere e città, che attraversa le regioni da Nord a Sud, ora seguendo le note dell’Inno di Mameli, ora canticchiando “Napul’è” di Pino Daniele. Tra i tetti della capitale vibrano le parole di “Roma Capoccia” di Antonello Venditti, a Cagliari le strofe in sardo con la fisarmonica e “Ovunque tu sia”. Ma non sono solo canzonette: a Milano spunta la band di E Poi c’è Cattelan, gli Street Clerks, sui Navigli e la tromba jazz di Linus. No, non è una soap opera. E’ la voglia di andare avanti, riempiendo gli spazi di questa attesa per stare meglio, tutti: sani e malati. Per questo i balconi d’Italia, oltre che rumorosi, ora sono anche più colorati: ai lenzuoli arcobaleno che già ieri si auguravano “andrà tutto bene”, oggi si aggiungono le bandiere del tricolore esposte su finestre e ringhiere. Era dai Mondiali di calcio che non si vedeva tanto orgoglio patriottico che, vuoi o non vuoi, la paura dell’epidemia ha fatto rispuntare fuori insieme a un tripudio di cori e serenate ⠀ Non dimenticatelo, Noi non molliamo. L’Italia non molla. Restate a casa. ⠀ #italianonmolla #andràtuttobene #iorestoacasa #ig_italia

Un post condiviso da ITALIA 🇮🇹 (@ig_italia) in data:

Love, Italy

An illustration by Alessandra Bruni, shared by @itsarttime.


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@allissand 💙 #itisartime by @arnaldpomotz

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Send us other “postcards” from Italy and we’ll share them here. You can contact us via email: | Facebook: CCT-SeeCity | Instagram: @CCTseecity. Thank you! #SeeCity & Love, CCTeam

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