Stories by the “Creative Curious Travellers 2016” about the city of Prato. Thanks to: Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci | Camera di Commercio di Prato | USE-IT Prato | LeCù | Fonderia Cultart | Biscottificio Antonio Mattei | Cibino Take Away | Gelateria Fior di Sole | Apothéke Cocktail Bar | Dolci Amari | Caffè Vergnano | Camaloon | The GIRA.

An Harbor [ inside ] Centro Pecci
An Harbor [ inside ] Centro Pecci#SURPRISE!!! This is our little gift to celebrate 1 month of the new Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci! Thanks to our favourite singer and songwriter (after Damien Rice): An Harbor! ✨✨ #CentroPecci #Prato #SeeCity #AnHarbor #CCTravellers2016
Posted by CCT-SeeCity on Wednesday, 16 November 2016
An Harbor [ outside ] Centro Pecci
An Harbor [ outside ] Centro PecciAfter “An Harbor INSIDE Centro Pecci” video, one month later, it’s time to share “An Harbor OUTSIDE Centro Pecci”! ✨
Like the title of this song by An Harbor, even the Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci is “Not Made of Gold”. But, in its human imperfection, it’s made of something much more precious: it’s made of your emotions and thoughts during your visits and it’s made of memories after you go…
For us, this #place will be forever the place that has given us the chance to experiment a new co-storytelling project for the promotion of •Creativity •Culture •Territory [a format that we wish to repeat at least once a year in other cities]!
This place will remind us forever all the #CCTravellers2016 who have come to #Prato to explore and tell/share stories about this city, the City of Contemporary Art in Italy.
For us, this place will mean forever “connect with the World and create”. Thank you all who helped us made this possible and unforgettable!!! ❤️️ Love, CCTeam
#SeeCity #AnHarbor #CentroPecci #OneWorld
Posted by CCT-SeeCity on Monday, 19 December 2016
Ti piacciono queste due canzoni?
Le trovi nel primo album di An Harbor intitolato “May” [che puoi scaricare intero oppure canzone per canzone da iTunes]. E per le date del tour, puoi seguire la sua pagina Facebook. 😉
Chi è An Harbor? Qui la nostra intervista:
Federico Pagani, in arte An Harbor: “l’amore, l’odio, il rock’n’roll e non mollare mai!”
E qui foto e video del suo primo concerto a Prato, Novembre 2014. Che serata! ❤
Place Concert: An Harbor @ Ex Chiesa di San Giovanni * 1Nov’14 – Video & Photos!!