TUSCANY Visiting La Giunca isn’t just about viewing sculptures; it’s about immersing oneself in a holistic experience where art and nature are intertwined. Whether you’re an art connoisseur, a nature lover, or someone seeking tranquillity and inspiration, La Giunca Sculpture Park offers an escape that can be found nowhere else.

LIVORNO is a seaside city surrounded by many small ancient towns and medieval villages that embellish a landscape made up of rolling hills and golden beaches, those of the Etruscan Coast. Overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea from this fortunate perspective, also Rosignano Marittimo. And it is here that – through this new CALL for #CCTravellers – we invite you! Submit your application by 3rd March 2023! #VisitTuscany #Livorno #RosignanoMarittimo #LaGiunca #CCTravellers #SeeCity

PISTOIA A few summers ago, while we were hosting the #CCTravellers in the Italian Capital of Culture 2017, we discovered a place that we fell in love with at the first encounter. Yes, with Castagno di Piteccio it was love at first sight. And among the Creative Curious Travellers, who came to Tuscany from various parts of the World, with whom we repeatedly visited this tiny #BorgoMuseo a few kilometers from the city, there’s even someone who told us: “it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen”.

PISTOIA is a city that more than others had fun over the centuries giving original, bizarre and extravagant names to its streets and alleys. For example: who knows the history of the white dog?! and who has ever noticed the bas-relief in stone that portrays, at the beginning of Via del Can Bianco, this curious local hero?! 🙂

PRATO PEOPLE!!! Questa CALL è per voi che amate la vostra città e che avete la possibilità di ospitare, nella vostra casa o struttura ricettiva, i #CCTravellers chiamati ad esplorare e raccontare il territorio durante TAI – Tuscan Art Industry 2018!! Vuoi partecipare? Invia la tua candidatura entro l’8 Ottobre! #TAI2018 #SeeCity

PRATO After the incredible ‘Grand Tour’ of last year, we want to continue to explore the places of industrial archeology in Tuscany, together with TAI – Tuscan Art Industry! And this year we’ll try to involve both “CCTravellers” and “Local Hosts”. Reason why, in addition to shortly present you the program of TAI 2018 (from 20 October to 20 November), we simultaneously launch two “CALLS”: one for all the creative curious travellers of the World and another for the inhabitants of Prato who’ll want to host the #CCTravellers in their city!