Risparmiare a Berlino: 7 strategie vincenti in viaggio
BERLIN Berlino economica a prova di portafoglio, scopri i trucchi e le strategie per una vacanza low cost.
BERLIN Berlino economica a prova di portafoglio, scopri i trucchi e le strategie per una vacanza low cost.
BERLIN This is a story of one day in a miniature Berlin. Put your headphones, take a breath and dive into the symphony of the German capital city like never seen before. MiniLook Berlin is a 6-minute short documentary independently made by Okapi creative studio, in the past 2 years: 21 days of shooting and 142.069 still photos. A great work. Watch it, you’ll love it!
BERLIN “The actions shown (in this short docufilm) all took place over three days. It was three days of freedom and pushing new limits.” – Berlin Kidz, the legendary daredevil Kreuzberg Parkour crew.
BERLIN does have my heart. A city like no other, a collective of people from everywhere… – Another city, another short story by Barlow Najima
BERLIN can be majesty, elegance, history. Or subculture, street art, a big mess. Browse through the gallery by Sofia Erto!
LEIPZIG Plagwitz is not only West of Leipzig, it is also known for being hip and vegan, with graffiti at every corner and street festivals in summer. According to many blogs and magazines, today Plagwitz is one of the world’s coolest hipster neighbourhoods. Did you know it? 🙂
BERLIN Thousands of pictures attached to each other create an intriguing visual insight of Berlins nights and days. Uncut and raw. Here it is, Berlin “on fire” to the rhythm of J. Bernardt in the short film directed by Patrick Pichler: “Fear And Loving Berlin”.
KÖLN A day trip to the German city where the famous perfume for gentlemen was born. Among the Gothic glory of its Cathedral and the imposing modern architecture… #2
DÜSSELDORF With a backpack on we are ready to discover the city, easy to visit and explore in few days. Born as fishing village, today it is a small metropolis overlooking the Rhine. Elegant, modern and historic at the same time, it’s an open architecture museum. #1
FRANKFURT Every city, every place, every street in the world is rich in little episodes of (extra)ordinary life – but we often don’t notice them. Although, just a pinch of awareness would be more than enough to snatch our smiles and offer us moments of happiness. Four examples from the German financial capital! 🙂
BERLIN A photo book of all 173 U-Bahn stations. What a beauty! 🙂
BERLIN The Konzerthaus Berlin had a great idea: to make its Orchestra interpret the sounds of the city, as outlined in the hashtag of this cross-media project: #klangberlins.