BERLIN I am a sucker for capitals hate to say it. Berlin is not like any other, that I cannot stress enough. Its vibe screams you be whoever you wish to be regardless of the week day. My fondest memories though, came from riding the M29, a bus going all the way from one end of Neuköln to the other. Sitting top deck at the front of the bus, you can see Berlin from above, almost like it is in up in your thoughts. The turnings were the best, the bus seemed like it was going to crash into the pretty apartments but never did.

Berlin gives you good food, cheap options that have nothing to do with quality. Döner kebab restaurants are easier to spot than a friend in a crowded room. You can taste Berlin in the food, in the drinks, it isn’t just a place, it evokes a strong feeling I can only name Berlin. Mitte, the English-speaking middle is full of student hostels on a budget and young people looking to have a good time.
I connotate Berlin with my gap year, a year I also connotate with growing into myself. Although it was slowly coming to an end during my time in Berlin, a lot happened in that 2-month span. I can remember going to a Stormzy concert, which also brings me to Carnival. Despite the heavy rain, more than half of Berlin was closed off for Carnival, where residents paraded, danced, drunk and sold snacks. Thousands of stands with goodies placed next to each other, having just as good of a time as the visitors.

I remember nearly losing my 5-year-old nephew after he rode his little bike to adventure too quickly for me to keep up. I had taken him for an ice cream at a bridge close to Pflügerstrasse, losing him seemed only fictional until it happened. Luckily, thank heavens he came back, my little Berliner came back the same path he had disappeared off to.
If you are looking for a city that sleeps, Berlin is not the place to go. There is always something to do, even on a Sunday. Always someone to meet or catch up with. To put this thought out there again, one can be someone else every other day of the week. You see diversity in language, color, fashion, you name it. It is busy, put it to my personality or what you need to but I like the crowds. Like being a grain in the sand of people around.
Berlin does have my heart. A city like no other, a collective of people from everywhere… And all this an account from me and my time in Berlin. Long live Berlin, long live what it does to us.