. Prato, CCTours, Events Prato Glocal: un giorno per esplorare e raccontare la città al mondo! by CCTeam on Saturday November 4th, 2017Follow @cctseecity 0 Andrea Metafuni Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. Sign up to our Newsletter! [only for curious people] Email Mailing List 0% Complete Support our project! CCT-SeeCity is an independent no-profit organisation that promotes Creativity - Culture - Territory. If you like our editorial project, help us to keep it lively and free with a little contribution. Support #SeeCity & Share! ❤ Thank you, CCTeam Support About CCTeam The editorial staff of this Guidezine! :) WebsiteTwitterFacebookGoogle PlusLinkedInInstagram You might also like . Prato, Place Concert Place Concert: Moscaburro @ Museo Pecci * 23Feb’13 – Video & Photos!! . Prato, Art, Events * La vostra notte con Clet * . Prato, Places to SEE & SMILE Ri-Pensa Prato. Immagina la Prato del 2023 . Italy, . Milano, . Roma, . Torino, . Vicenza, Events Abilmente, il salone delle idee creative