Palermo: 3 special places to visit + 1 fundamental tip
PALERMO “Best thing of this city? PEOPLE’s smiles!” – Here are some suggestions and snaps by photographer Laurelle Kamara. #CCTravellers2018
PALERMO “Best thing of this city? PEOPLE’s smiles!” – Here are some suggestions and snaps by photographer Laurelle Kamara. #CCTravellers2018
PRATO e la sua Val di Bisenzio in una mappa realizzata da Comò Mag. dopo aver partecipato alla terza edizione di TAI – Tuscan Art Industry. Per ogni luogo, un breve racconto dell’esperienza che ha trasformato i nostri viaggiatori creativi e curiosi in persone sempre diverse. #CCTravellers for TAI 2017
PRATO “Some travels seem more important than others, we would even say more remarkable. No need to go far far far away to find beauty and to discover great things in the world. It’s what we have learned while we were visiting Prato. An apparently tiny city in Tuscany, 20 minutes away from Florence. Tiny in appearance, but big with all the things it offers, in terms of history, food, and obviously of culture. As we thought would be just a classic trip about as we usually do, discovered way more.” Here is the story by Jennifer Padjemi & Mélody Thomas, Parisian journalists and friends, founders of What’s Good Newsletter! #CCTravellers2016
PRATO Evento gratuito e aperto a tutti, soprattutto ai cittadini e viaggiatori più curiosi! Promosso dal Comune di Prato in ambito del progetto “Spirit Youth” co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea. A cura di CCT-SeeCity & CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporaneo con la partecipazione di USE-IT Prato + Visit Prato + Igers Prato & Igers Pistoia + Officina Giovani & Quilombo + Città di Prato! #SeeCity #PratoGlocal #CCTourUSEitPrato
PRATO The pursuit of Rio Buti waterfall ends in one – almost romantic – encounter at sunset. Sunset found again on the Centro Pecci walls, this time in the same colors of the cute pastry of the city. * All this thanks in particular to USE-IT Prato map. Another true story by #CCTravellers2016! Ah, caution: after having read this post, you’ll have a mad desire to run… to Pasticceria Nuovo Mondo.