PISTOIA Famosa per le sue chiese romaniche e zebrate, la festa patronale di San Jacopo, le viuzze medievali, gli scorci perfetti per le fotografie, le lotte intestine dei Cancellieri e dei Panciatichi… La città toscana trasuda un’atmosfera medievale finché, passeggiando per le sue vie e alzando lo sguardo, si iniziano a scorgere decorazioni liberty a non finire. Aguzzate la vista insieme a noi e seguiteci, qui vi raccontiamo un po’ di storia e curiosità!

PALERMO in four neighbourhoods that are not featured on many travel guides: Costa Sud, Danisinni, ZEN (Zona Espansione Nord) and Isola delle Femmine. Four places where buildings, villas and tourists disappear in favour of everyday life of Palermitans. Four short stories in the drawings and photos by Antoine Séguin & Iris Akram. #CCTravellers2018

PISTOIA is a city that more than others had fun over the centuries giving original, bizarre and extravagant names to its streets and alleys. For example: who knows the history of the white dog?! and who has ever noticed the bas-relief in stone that portrays, at the beginning of Via del Can Bianco, this curious local hero?! 🙂

TORINO Il festival di NESXT è un viaggio nel mondo delle pratiche artistiche indipendenti che porta in giro per Torino attraverso l’Italia più contemporanea: il circuito, infatti, seleziona spazi e progetti in tutto il bel paese e trova loro casa in luoghi del capoluogo piemontese, mettendo dunque in connessione realtà del territorio con altre, provenienti da altre città italiane, che hanno profili simili o comunque alcune caratteristiche in comune, realtà con le quali condividono interessi o intenzioni, punti di vista o visioni.

PRATO After the incredible ‘Grand Tour’ of last year, we want to continue to explore the places of industrial archeology in Tuscany, together with TAI – Tuscan Art Industry! And this year we’ll try to involve both “CCTravellers” and “Local Hosts”. Reason why, in addition to shortly present you the program of TAI 2018 (from 20 October to 20 November), we simultaneously launch two “CALLS”: one for all the creative curious travellers of the World and another for the inhabitants of Prato who’ll want to host the #CCTravellers in their city!

PARIS without its Tour Eiffel. Impossible even to imagine, today. But if some French intellectuals would have won their battle, the Iron Lady (Dame de Fer) might have survived for maybe just twenty years or maybe less. The French originally hated it. If not all, certainly an important group of high-profile artists, thinkers and creatives who signed a petition to protest against the tower during its construction. They expressed all their hate towards this “useless” and “monstrous” monument with a love letter to their City of Lights (Ville Lumière) and finesse, published on Valentine’s Day 1887.