PALERMO in four neighbourhoods that are not featured on many travel guides: Costa Sud, Danisinni, ZEN (Zona Espansione Nord) and Isola delle Femmine. Four places where buildings, villas and tourists disappear in favour of everyday life of Palermitans. Four short stories in the drawings and photos by Antoine Séguin & Iris Akram. #CCTravellers2018

PARIS without its Tour Eiffel. Impossible even to imagine, today. But if some French intellectuals would have won their battle, the Iron Lady (Dame de Fer) might have survived for maybe just twenty years or maybe less. The French originally hated it. If not all, certainly an important group of high-profile artists, thinkers and creatives who signed a petition to protest against the tower during its construction. They expressed all their hate towards this “useless” and “monstrous” monument with a love letter to their City of Lights (Ville Lumière) and finesse, published on Valentine’s Day 1887.