Elena Mazzoni Wagner
MADRID It takes ten seconds, maybe even less, to fall madly in love with Paco Cifuentes‘ voice, well-known poet and songwriter in Spain. It just happened this to us and so… how could we not invite him to The [Madrid] Midnight Run, the first #MNRmadrid!?
We met him in his adoptive hometown of Madrid, but Paco Cifuentes is from Sevilla and his Andaluz Spanish doesn’t betray his origins. In this hot verano, which leads him to play and sing at festivals around the country, we’ll have the great honor and great pleasure to host him – with a performance in acoustic format (guitar and voice) – during the night of the next Midnight Run: 26/27 July 2014 in the Spanish capital.
It won’t be a show but a unique experience because exclusively reserved for MNRunners – (hurry up, you can still sign up!) – and that will take place in the pseudo-bohemian Micro Theatre – (we’ll speak about it very soon! Yes, we fell in love with this place, too!) – called El Apartamento. It will be an unforgettable and intimate concert.
Dear readers, we invite you to explore the Art, Music and Poetry of Paco Cifuentes directly on his website: pacocifuentes.es. And if you know the Spanish language, here is an interesting radio interview with acoustic performance Paco Cifuentes: “Mientras Todo Arde”. BUT ATTENTION: as soon as his voice, notes and words, will brush your hearing, you’ll always want to listen to him.
P.S. This is just an introduction: next week we’ll interview him to tell you about the man and the artist that immediately enchanted us. But first, we hope to give to all MNRunners of this first madrileña edition, a night to remember. Or rather, a real dream to live [info: cct-seecity.com/2014/06/the-madrid-midnight-run-2627-jul-14/].
Albums: Adicto (2006), La Vida Aparte (2009), Mientras todo arde (2012)
Book + CD: Solo Tramoamarte (2013)
Site: pacocifuentes.es | Facebook: Paco Cifuentes | Twitter: @PacoCifuentes
Email: mdayproducciones@gmail.com | Tel: +34 620280643