Via del Tau (ex Via del T) a Pistoia, che storia!
PISTOIA In un nome così breve, secoli di storia e tantissime curiosità! Vuoi sapere perché questa stradina del centro storico si chiama così? Leggi l’articolo, te lo raccontiamo qui 😉
PISTOIA In un nome così breve, secoli di storia e tantissime curiosità! Vuoi sapere perché questa stradina del centro storico si chiama così? Leggi l’articolo, te lo raccontiamo qui 😉
PALERMO Follow the BroCool team in their urban culinary exploration together with some local people and enjoy this VIDEO STORY made – with pure fun! – for real food lovers. #CCTravellers2018 #SeeCity
NORWAY ‘A Nordic Skater’ is a short film by Paulius Neverbickas, filmmaker with a big passion for action sports and camping in the wilderness, who’s always trying to inspire people to go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. Exactly like in his last work featuring Per Sollerman, a photographer who has been skating on frozen lakes and fjords for the past 10 years, because: “It is rooted deep in our bones that we need to be out in the nature”. Watch this story!
PALERMO The capital of the south presented in a different way. A visual story by Marija Stankovic & Danica Vranic – architects and storytellers from Belgrade, Serbia! #CCTravellers2018
PALERMO The portrait of the man-artist-hermit Isravele. Just outside his house-museum-sanctuary. Behind him, an endless bright blu wall of sea and sky. | Text: Elena Mazzoni Wagner & Photos: Sabrina Weniger * #CCTravellers2018
ALASKA This (6-minute) short film directed by Janssen Powers tells the story of a woman, at 88 years of age, living alone in a small cabin deep in the Alaskan wilderness.
ISTANBUL “A honey pot of diversity is everything I see in front of me.” – Another city, another short story by Barlow Najima
NEW YORK A look at the powerful connection between a pair of outdoor ping pong tables, in the heart of New York City, and the unlikely group of people they’ve brought together, from homeless people to investment bankers to gangbangers. Rain or shine, they’ll be there. At “The Tables”. A beautiful, very beautiful, 15-minute documentary by Jon Bunning, filmmaker and art director based in Brooklyn, NY. Watch the short film here!
PISTOIA is a hidden gem! And so convenient to explore the region of Tuscany by car or by train… * Here is the travel story by Ksenia Zizina & Pavel Fedoseyev, travel creative curious couple, co-founders of “For All Things Creative” blog and both #CCTravellers2017, obviously! 😉
SEETIES A column open to everyone’s contribution and born with the intention of telling female protagonists of past and contemporary History through the places of our cities. #PLACEStoseeWOMENtoknow
EUROPE Dozens of migrants climb onto an overcrowded truck. Their goal: to escape to Europe. When they arrive after an exhausting journey, another brutal reality awaits them: the European treatment of refugees. A short film directed by Fabio Friedli.
PISTOIA, dalla città alle sue montagne, in una divertente storia (vera) di due giovani illustratori dai Paesi Bassi: Tsjisse Talsma & Debora Westra. #CCTravellers2017