PLACES to see, WOMEN to know
SEETIES A column open to everyone’s contribution and born with the intention of telling female protagonists of past and contemporary History through the places of our cities. #PLACEStoseeWOMENtoknow
SEETIES A column open to everyone’s contribution and born with the intention of telling female protagonists of past and contemporary History through the places of our cities. #PLACEStoseeWOMENtoknow
LONDON We are very happy to show you the first film of the 32LDN series… We leave from the Borough of Camden, follow us!
PRATO Ecco qui foto e video del primo Place Concert della Storia! PLACE: Museo Pecci + CONCERT: Moscaburro. Grazie a tutti di cuore, CCTeam
Look for #aplaceoflove and share it with us! Use a word, a phrase, a picture, a video, a story. And – important – remember the hashtag #aplaceoflove. This way, we can publish it in our dedicated website page: #aplaceoflove. I C & U ?