TRENTO Al Mart (9 febbraio – 2 giugno 2013), un originale percorso espositivo dedicato all’architettura e al design del cibo, tra creatività e produzione industriale. In mostra anche le gelatine che riproducono St Paul’s Cathedral a Londra e in calendario alcuni show-cooking con grandi chef. In ogni caso, anche se mangerete solo con gli occhi, Bon Appetit!

LEÓN This is one of those stories that make you feel a thrill of joy. That make you smile and love the world. It’s a short story, as just started, but the energy and the enthusiasm of the first chapters make you already believe in a better future. This story begins with an encounter in Nicaragua, Central America, between two people from different and distant countries; they are both travelers and in fact they meet thanks to one of the most popular travel community in the world…