A trip to Japan
JAPAN in a colourful travel story told through an animated short film by Argentinian Dante Zaballa.
JAPAN in a colourful travel story told through an animated short film by Argentinian Dante Zaballa.
SEETIES Inspired by the imaginative world of Van Gogh, ‘No Blue Without Yellow’ – a short film by Maciek Janicki – offers an emotive tour through the world Vincent Van Gogh saw and captured in his paintings. The fantasy lasts simply two minutes, but within that short time the observer is immersed in a painter’s lifetime.
SEETIES ‘Future Thoughts’ is an experimental short film, directed by Loek Vugs, showing in 3 minutes a collection of ideas about everyday life and new technologies in the near future… What do you think about?
NEW YORK A look at the powerful connection between a pair of outdoor ping pong tables, in the heart of New York City, and the unlikely group of people they’ve brought together, from homeless people to investment bankers to gangbangers. Rain or shine, they’ll be there. At “The Tables”. A beautiful, very beautiful, 15-minute documentary by Jon Bunning, filmmaker and art director based in Brooklyn, NY. Watch the short film here!
CANADA We love “Seeties” but we also love Nature and we want to show you this timelapse short film made into the Canadian wild and filmed by Florian Nick: “By making this project, I want to raise awareness of our wonderful planet Earth which we have the privilege to be part of. That’s why we have to take responsibility for it – for the place where we are alive.”
NETHERLANDS The mysterious flights of the Common Starling filmed by Jan van IJken. Wonderful!
PISTOIA and its local culture in a video about the feeling of worship, tradition and the fragility of human life. A (true) story by Niamh Farrelly & Christian Charles. #CCTravellers2017
In attesa di vedere il mediometraggio finale realizzato dai due registi, Mainetti e Segre, vi mostriamo il nostro corto! GRAZIE di cuore a tutte le persone, citate in apertura e nei titoli di coda, che hanno collaborato a questo cortometraggio – che, secondo noi, è bellissimo ma, ovviamente, siamo di parte. Adesso tocca a voi giudicare… quindi BUONA VISIONE! 🙂
Sì! E lo faremo sotto la direzione artistica dei registi Gabriele Mainetti e Andrea Segre. Ancora non ci crediamo ma è davvero così! E la storia che vi racconteremo sarà quella di Liter of Light.
CAGLIARI in a short film.
A romantic short animated film: the last patron of an abandoned observatory takes on an impossible task to show the surrounding city something incredible.
ITALY Do you know how many French words are used in Italian? Simone Rovellini tried to collect them all in a funny short film: C’est la vie.