Free Walking Tour Italia: seeing the city through the eyes of a local

Bottari Giovanni

ITALIA As traveller there is something you need to know: to discover Italy and get its mood, don’t look for it in fancy places, fashion boutiques, or expensive restaurants. Authentic Italy is out in the street, in places and people you can meet with Free Walking Tour Italia: the first and largest Italian Free Walking Tour network present in more than 20 cities from North to South (including Venice, Bergamo, Verona, Bologna, Pisa, Florence, Naples, Palermo) and made by local independent guides and organisations. Seeing the city through the eyes of a local” is its motto and that’s what it aims to do. Free Walking Tour is the fastest, funniest and cheapest way to get to know the city you are staying in. If you don’t know where to start once getting in town, don’t stress yourself with useless information, non-sense maps or fake websites: book your next tour with FWT and show up at the meeting point. Everything else will follow! You’ll spend 2-3 amazing hours walking in the city and getting the most of its history, cultures, vibes, discovering art streets, old and new monuments, hidden places, nice local shops and bars – all this together with an expert and passionate local and other curious travellers like you.

Foto: Giovanni Bottari

The project

The Free Walking Tour (FWT) concept represents a fresh way of looking at cities, their spaces and attractions with emphasis on their unique styles and stories. The mission is to make local cultural heritage more accessible to everyone by redefining the traditional guided tour through the knowledge and experience of local people. FWT aims to help visitors to see the cities through the eyes of a local.

The story

The Free Walking Tour Italia project was born in 2016 as independent online platform, to connect and share the various FWT experiences from all around Italy. The platform works to raise public awareness on the issue of cultural accessibility, and to facilitate the relationship between travellers and local communities. Free Walking Tour Italia is an information portal that supports free culture. However, it is the responsibility of local independent actors to manage their own programme and to take responsibility for the activities they promote within their region. In other words, every single experience is managed independently by locals.

What does it mean “Free”?

Free Walking Tour (FWT) is an innovative way to discover and interact with cities, share their attraction and learn about them, while being entertained. Free is more than a simple word! Free is a cultural concept.


Every tour is a different experience

FWT offers a valid and culturally relevant alternative to conventional tourism, with the aim of increasing awareness of the dynamics of ever evolving cities and their spaces. In short, it wants to help visitors get a real feel for contemporary life as it is lived in our cities while it encourages guides to give their best, keeping themselves updated, developing new ideas and creating unconventional itineraries. So every single tour is different from the previous one and it creates a unique dialogue between the visitor, the city and locals.


Locals always know it better than you! Street food, local bars, handcraft shops, events in town… they are likely to share it, just ask. If then you like to stay longer and perhaps experience something more emotional, we are what you are looking for: unconventional tours, street food experience, trekking, and much more. Visit the “Free Walking Tour Italia” website and book your next tour! 

Foto: Giovanni Bottari

Free Walking Tour Italia - logo

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