I Am the City. I Am Milan.

Carlo Stanga

MILANO in illustrations. I Am Milan is the first title of a new collection of illustrated books called I Am the City. Illustrated and written by Carlo Stanga this new series will touch some major cities across the world.

ABOUT the ARTIST: Born in Italy, Carlo Stanga has been always deeply passionate about drawing. After graduating in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan, he chose to further his education attending art and design studies. He collaborated with the premier italian designer Bruno Munari, an amazing experience that influenced his way to see the world. As an editorial and advertising illustrator Carlo works with major italian magazines and newspapers and with international clients in Europe and in the U.S. His distinctive style continually wins Italian Illustration awards and the work has been selected by The American Illustration Annual and recently won the Gold Medal Award in Creative Quarterly’s #15 contest and Awards of Excellence from Communication Arts. In 2015 he wrote and illustrated “I am Milan”, the first title of a new book collection, dedicated to the main cities of the world, and the colouring book “The wandering City”, both published by Moleskine. Carlo lives and works in Berlin. | www.carlostanga.com

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