PISTOIA is a city that more than others had fun over the centuries giving original, bizarre and extravagant names to its streets and alleys. For example: who knows the history of the white dog?! and who has ever noticed the bas-relief in stone that portrays, at the beginning of Via del Can Bianco, this curious local hero?! 🙂


PALERMO inspires. Writer John Muir said: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” And this is what Ana y Marta – two Spanish creative sisters, part of the #CCTravellers2018 project – found during their walk in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. For you, a visual inspirational story. #SeeCity

Cinque luoghi da non perdere a Bologna

BOLOGNA Quando si pensa al capoluogo emiliano, vengono subito in mente le famose due Torri, Piazza Maggiore e i Tortellini. Ma il centro storico è uno scrigno che racchiude numerose perle, luoghi di bellezza, arte, musica o anche solo caratteristici della vita cittadina. Ecco per voi cinque luoghi speciali da visitare, fortemente consigliati dalla redazione locale di Bologna.BO!

NORWAY ‘A Nordic Skater’ is a short film by Paulius Neverbickas, filmmaker with a big passion for action sports and camping in the wilderness, who’s always trying to inspire people to go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. Exactly like in his last work featuring Per Sollerman, a photographer who has been skating on frozen lakes and fjords for the past 10 years, because: “It is rooted deep in our bones that we need to be out in the nature”. Watch this story!

BLACKBURN Through memories and reflections, the stories associated with three abandoned buildings and their modern counterparts are used to look at what unites and divides the people of this industrial northern town of England. From Brexit to race, industry to ageing, sometimes funny, sometimes affecting, always engaging. A 15-minute documentary commissioned by the Arts Council and directed by award winning London based director Liam Saint-Pierre (originally from Blackburn).