Unexpected Morro Bay
MORRO BAY is a little coastal city in California full of colours and bohemian places. Let’s explore it together with “First We Love”! 🙂
MORRO BAY is a little coastal city in California full of colours and bohemian places. Let’s explore it together with “First We Love”! 🙂
PRATO When An Harbor came see us and we took him to visit the new Centro Pecci, he played these two songs! 🙂 Our favourite ones from his album “May”!! ❤ #CCTravellers2016
ROMA La rivista ‘Internazionale’ lo ha definito un “bluesman autentico”. LinFante è un cantautore di Cremona trapiantato a Roma e noi lo abbiamo seguito fino a Monteverde, il suo quartiere, per farci raccontare un po’ la vita capitolina.
LEEDS Atmosfere sospese e vellutate. Suoni e voci che ricordano Bon Iver o i Fleet Foxes. “Tell Where I Lie” segna il debutto ufficiale dei Fossil Collective e adesso siamo in attesa del loro secondo album.
SEETIES Christmas or Not Christmas, these 9 (gift) ideas will be always good!
WIEN, CCTip: “Wien” by Moscaburro (lyrics + video)
SEETIES On the third Saturday of every April, since 2007, it’s celebrated the Record Store Day and on the website you can find the participating stores all over the world.
FLORIANÓPOLIS The debut of this young Brazilian band is a multimedia art project. Their concept album contains 10 songs that we’ll publish every week, one at a time, starting from next Sunday (23rd February 2014): audio, lyrics and illustration. Yes, because every song has been visually interpreted by an artist: 10 songs, 10 illustrations, 10 artists. But what is the album? And who is the band?
PISTOIA C’era una volta Alice. Anzi c’era una volta Elizabeth, o meglio c’erano una volta tutte e due. La prima esisteva in una canzone, l’altra in un progetto musicale.
LECCE Al Parco Gondar di Gallipoli, la terza edizione di “Bikini Kill Festival” (1° Agosto 2012). La musica indie ed emergente, italiana e internazionale, s’incontra in Salento in una line-up tutta al femminile con live e performance di solo artiste donne.