What Airports have given me
WORLD Travelling is all around us but it is easy to forget what Airports can do for us emotionally aside from making the world a smaller place.
WORLD Travelling is all around us but it is easy to forget what Airports can do for us emotionally aside from making the world a smaller place.
FRANKFURT Every city, every place, every street in the world is rich in little episodes of (extra)ordinary life – but we often don’t notice them. Although, just a pinch of awareness would be more than enough to snatch our smiles and offer us moments of happiness. Four examples from the German financial capital! 🙂
FRANKFURT A short walk from downtown, Hauptfriedhof: the large cemetery which is actually a beautiful peaceful park, nestled in colours that in autumn give the best of themselves.
FRANKFURT A street photo journey far away from the business rush of European Central Bank, Deutsche Bank and the busy international airport.
FRANKFURT A street photo journey far away from the business rush of European Central Bank, Deutsche Bank and the busy international airport.
FRANKFURT is not just banks and skyscrapers… A street photo gallery by Alessio Clicio
FRANKFURT L’islandese Gabríela Friðriksdóttirs si è fatta conoscere al pubblico dell’arte nel 2005 con l’opera “Tetralógia” esposta a La Biennale di Venezia e nello stesso anno ha collaborato con Björk realizzando il videoclip ufficiale di “Where is the Line”. Adesso è in mostra una sua installazione alla SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE: “Crepusculum” (29 Settembre 2011 – 8 Gennaio 2012)
FRANKFURT “Beckmann & Amerika” allo Städel Museum fino all’8 Gennaio – La mostra di uno dei più celebri fautori dell’Espressionismo europeo che dopo la Seconda Guerra fuggì in America…