Splitscreen: A Love Story
PARIS vs NEW YORK. But then LONDON! A modern love story in a multi award-winning video shot entirely on a Nokia N8 mobile phone.
PARIS vs NEW YORK. But then LONDON! A modern love story in a multi award-winning video shot entirely on a Nokia N8 mobile phone.
ROMA, MADRID, LONDON, BERLIN, PARIS: 5 european capital cities explored from dusk to dawn (6pm-6am) by groups of strangers and local artists (now friends). 5 intense exciting nights we’ll remember forever. Thank you, MNRunners!
ROMA, MADRID, LONDON, BERLIN, PARIS: 5 european capital cities explored from dusk to dawn (6pm-6am) by groups of strangers and local artists (now friends). 5 intense exciting nights we’ll remember forever. Thank you, MNRunners! #MNRlight2015
LONDON is the third capital city to host the European Tour of The Midnight Run 2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, to celebrate the International Year of Light. Saturday 18 July, join us! * [#MNRlight2015 // #MNRlondon]
The #MNRlight2015, coordinated by CCT-SeeCity and in partnership with UNESCO, celebrates the International Year of Light: ROMA, 23 May > MADRID, 20 June > LONDON, 18 July > BERLIN, 15 Aug. > PARIS, 12 Sept. * JOIN US!
ENGLAND The best thing to do in this spot of the United Kingdom is walking, walking, and more walking (or cycling). And don’t be afraid of getting lost!
ENGLAND, CCTip: “England” by The National (lyrics + video)
LONDON You’ll never look at a transport system with the same eyes!
With this video, simply real and moving, we want to wish Happy Holidays to all of you but especially… a Happy New Year to all the dreamers like us! To people who daydream and who will never stop seeing the world as they imagine and create it!
ENGLAND, CCTip: “The Last Living Rose” by PJ Harvey (lyrics + video)
LEEDS Atmosfere sospese e vellutate. Suoni e voci che ricordano Bon Iver o i Fleet Foxes. “Tell Where I Lie” segna il debutto ufficiale dei Fossil Collective e adesso siamo in attesa del loro secondo album.
LONDON We would see stars mirroring in the Thames and reflecting on skyscrapers. [Here’s how, in a short and beautiful video.]