Artist: Marine Marbleindex

Michele Moricci

BORDEAUX Marine Marbleindex is 25 years old and lives in France. Fascinated by expressiveness of female faces, with synthetic illustrations she portrays the style and beauty by her contemporary point of view. Equipped with pencil and photoshop immortalizes moments of the life of a woman.

Marine tells CCT that she considers “face the most important inspiration. Face is the most sensitive and expressive point of our body” and that’s why she “likes to draw women from the hypnotic face”. Marine is also a lover of Russian and Soviet peculiar squaring faces and looks at it because she considers it full of “strength, character and communication skills”. In fact, one of her muses is the Russian model Sasha Pivovarova with diaphanous color and a strong sensuality. Marine Marbleindex is an artistic eye that often looks to fashion, modern pop culture, photography and cinema.


Artist: Marine Marbleindex

Tumblr: Marine Marbleindex | Blogspot: Marine Marbleindex | Facebook: Marine Marbleindex

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