24h HONG KONG, another city another photo-book by Karl Hab
HONG KONG He did it again! Two years after 24h LOS ANGELES, French photographer Karl Hab presents his new book 24h HONG KONG. Here is a little preview for curious people like you 🙂
HONG KONG He did it again! Two years after 24h LOS ANGELES, French photographer Karl Hab presents his new book 24h HONG KONG. Here is a little preview for curious people like you 🙂
TOKYO is a metropolis like any other but with some small and curious differences that we are not used to. For saving effort and gaffes, better to leave informed! Here is a small anti-stress guide for those visiting Tokyo for the first time.
KYOTO Il Buddha domina la collina ma sembra che nessuno lo veda. Nessuno sa di questo tempio, tutti ci passano davanti, superano lo spiazzo ed entrano nel tempio successivo. È un segreto in bella vista.
SEETIES A journey around the world without airplanes, with a limited budget and an inconvenient travel buddy.