PALERMO, a city that cultivates coexistence. “An infinite imagined garden, a place of beauty and multiculture in its human flowering, in its traces of epochs that overlap and stratify, all visible in a single building, all legitimised to exist beyond the imposed rules.” It’s how Stefania Rinaldi tells about, accompanying the photographs by Simone Ridi in this (true) story signed by the two co-founders of CUT – Circuito Urbano Temporano. #CCTravellers2018

RIO DE JANEIRO, Armação dos Búzios: more commonly known as Búzios, this fishing village – thanks to its over 23 beautiful beaches – has become a beloved place by vacationers. It’s located on the coast north of Rio de Janeiro, 177 km away from the metropolis. Here we tell you about it through a colourful street photo gallery by Patric Alfred Haroldo, enjoy! 🙂

AVVENTURINA è un micro fumetto surreale di 80 pagine, che narra un viaggio onirico dalla Milano post-industriale all’incubo batterico Burroughsiano. Presentato a Macao Milano per la prima volta il 13 marzo 2019, arriva a Pistoia negli spazi di Viabuonfanti42 per un evento (questo venerdì 26 aprile) con tanta musica: Pi.nky’s Dream Vol.5 ° So beast ° Lovataraxx ° Avventurina. Da non perdere! Intanto, qui l’articolo di Nove novine con l’intervista di Riccardo Tassi all’artista Holly Heuser. Buona lettura!

PISTOIA A few summers ago, while we were hosting the #CCTravellers in the Italian Capital of Culture 2017, we discovered a place that we fell in love with at the first encounter. Yes, with Castagno di Piteccio it was love at first sight. And among the Creative Curious Travellers, who came to Tuscany from various parts of the World, with whom we repeatedly visited this tiny #BorgoMuseo a few kilometers from the city, there’s even someone who told us: “it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen”.