The mirror of Cuba
LA HABANA Getting lost in one of its endless alleyways, turn a corner and meet Rafael. See Cuba.
LA HABANA Getting lost in one of its endless alleyways, turn a corner and meet Rafael. See Cuba.
Trying to note down impressions during a travel in Costa Rica.
Mexico & Guatemala, colors everywhere and flower carpets for Easter.
LEÓN This is one of those stories that make you feel a thrill of joy. That make you smile and love the world. It’s a short story, as just started, but the energy and the enthusiasm of the first chapters make you already believe in a better future. This story begins with an encounter in Nicaragua, Central America, between two people from different and distant countries; they are both travelers and in fact they meet thanks to one of the most popular travel community in the world…
Traveling in Central America… A photo gallery by Paolo Proserpio
Da San José al Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio (Costa Rica). Ecco un luogo dove liberare l’anima dalla modernità umana…
SAN JOSÈ Domenica mattina, via Panamericana: inizia qui la nostra esplorazione all’insegna dei sapori culinari locali. E prosegue verso il villaggio di Zapote …finchè c’è spazio nella pancia!
SAN JOSÈ Magari è la nostra vita europea a non essere quella vera e questa è la “pura vida”.