ITALY, summer 2018. Just returned from a few off-line and on-travel days, the first thing we want to do is sending you some postcards from our Mediterranean Sea. Or better, we want to share with you the project of a creative collective based in Pozzallo (Ragusa, Sicily) that this summer has looked at our coasts and imagined that other people wanted to support those who save human lives. In this article, we tell you about the idea and the collaborative action behind the hashtag #soloincartolina and we invite everyone to participate! Dear Interior Minister, Dear Italian Government, Dear European Parliament: greetings and kisses from Italy.

Here are some postcards made by several creatives from Italy who have joined the Call (closed on 5th August) launched by the project “Solo in Cartolina“.
This is our selection, you can find all the postcards that have been sent at this link: www.soloincartolina.it/cartoline
Solo in Cartolina – Summer 2018 is a campaign against death at sea. Its mission is to forward 10.000 postcards to the Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who said about migrants: “They will only see Italy on a postcard”. NGOs and closing harbours are two recurring themes of this Italian summer and this campaign – launched on July by a group of young Italian creatives – denounces what happens offshore Italian coasts standing with those who are saving lives at sea. Helping who risks to die at sea is a priority and a duty, regardless the different immigration policies. The obstruction of the rescue operations is a violation of the human rights. And this cannot be ignored. The project involves the creative community and aims to denounce what is happening in the Mediterranean Sea, taking a stand and raising awareness on the NGO’s roles. Through the creative effort on each of the postcards sent by the contributors, the project sheds a spotlight on this dramatic situation.
The project has gathered through the web many postcards from creative fighters (designers and illustrators from all over the country who have joined the call by August 5th) to show what is happening everyday in the Mediterranean Sea and to send them all to the Italian Interior Minister. Through different styles – such as vintage, trash or 90’s – all the postcards received and selected recall the traditional mood of a typical Italian summer, representing situations off or near the shore, with rubber-boats full of people on fire or orange lifebelts that float over the water: all the postcards have been published with credits on the website www.soloincartolina.it and they are now ready to be printed and sent to Piazza del Viminale in Rome, the headquarters of the Italian Ministry of the Interior. In the meanwhile, you can join the campaign and share your favourite postcards through your social media using the hashtag #soloincartolina!

“Le cartoline sono inviate con amore da tutti coloro che vedono fino al largo delle nostre coste, oltre gli ombrelloni e i messaggi d’odio. Tra di loro ci siamo anche noi, che non vogliamo rimanere indifferenti: per quest’estate nessuno tira i remi in barca. Tra di loro ci sei anche tu.”
Solo in Cartolina è una campagna pensata, realizzata e promossa pro-bono e spontaneamente da un collettivo apartitico e indipendente di creativi e professionisti della comunicazione, che non hanno potuto fare a meno di usare la propria voce, la propria penna grafica, il proprio tempo e la propria energia per prendere le parti delle organizzazioni che sono in mare tutti i giorni e tutte le notti, a salvare vite umane. I creative fighters ideatori del progetto sono: Michela Locati, Nicole Romanelli, Pietro Gregorini e Verdiana Festa. Nel team operativo, sulla cresta dell’onda: Sara Consolato, Federica Michieletti, Claudia Conte, Angela Maiello, Giulio Farronato, Eleonora Sabet, Jacopo Ernesto Gasparrini, Domenico Polimeno, Massimiliano Mauro, Beatrice Surano, Luca Vigliani, Lucia Gambuzzi, Adriano Guario, Marco Mazzoli. Gli amici e compagni di viaggio, al fianco dei quali navigano: Bovindo, Arci, Refugees Welcome, Medici Senza Frontiere, Proactiva Open Arms, Open Migration.
Solo in Cartolina
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