Solo Travel – 5 lessons I have learned during my adventures
WORLD This post will inspire you to embark on a solo journey! A [true] story by Aysem Zorlu, founder of Loacal.
WORLD This post will inspire you to embark on a solo journey! A [true] story by Aysem Zorlu, founder of Loacal.
Goodbye Summer… #04 | A series of photographs taken on the beaches across Europe.
Goodbye Summer… #03 | A series of photographs taken on the beaches across Europe.
Goodbye Summer… #02 | A series of photographs taken on the beaches across Europe.
Goodbye Summer… #01 | A series of photographs taken on the beaches across Europe.
ITALY, summer 2018. Just returned from a few off-line and on-travel days, the first thing we want to do is sending you some postcards from our Mediterranean Sea. Or better, we want to share with you the project of a creative collective based in Pozzallo (Ragusa, Sicily) that this summer has looked at our coasts and imagined that other people wanted to support those who save human lives. In this article, we tell you about the idea and the collaborative action behind the hashtag #soloincartolina and we invite everyone to participate! Dear Interior Minister, Dear Italian Government, Dear European Parliament: greetings and kisses from Italy.
NORTHERN NORWAY is a short video made with a drone to show the amazing landscapes of this country, in particular of Lofoten and Senja Islands. A video about the majestic beauty of nature, filmed by photographer-traveller-adventurer Sergey Lukankin
EUROPA Comprendiamo tutte le ragioni del movimento SET (di cui pubblichiamo il Manifesto) e proponiamo alcune “soluzioni” al turismo di massa che uccide la vivibilità e cultura locale. A modo nostro e con passione, sosterremo questa nuova rete. Città del Sud Europa, UNITEVI! #SeeCity #SETnet
BUDAPEST The Danube is here the undiscussed protagonist and the atmosphere it creates, makes the city like double and unique. Browse through the gallery by Sofia Erto!
SEETIES The 19th edition of this grand event – hosted by Russia in Sochi Olympic Park, last October 2017 – has brought together about 20.000 young international delegates from 185 countries. Do you know the (hi)story of this huge Festival?
JAPAN – EUROPE An unique visual documentary on the life-scapes between East and West by French-Russian photographer Gueorgui Tcherednitchenko. When travel is far more and beyond a trip.
WIEN The architecture of Vienna hits you like a daydream…