WORLD Here’s what we’ll do during the next air travels: we’ll play with our flight fellows!
The Passenger Project is a participatory art and social experiment designed to bring more curiosity and connectedness to the flying experience.
It was created in 2012 by San Francisco-based Interactive Artist Ivan Cash: “I remember flying back from an amazing New Mexico wedding in the Summer of 2012, where all of the different guests got along so well. Looking around on my flight home, I knew that the potential to have a similar experience with my fellow passengers must exist. A month later, I created The Passenger Project to facilitate connection amongst passengers aboard the same flight.” – (Yes, we have already talked about Ivan Cash here: “Last Photo” video series).
What do you need to do to participate?
1. Download this pdf, select the page you want to use and print it out. (TIP: thick, stock paper works best).
2. Bring the printed paper, along with a pen and clipboard, onto your next flight and start it off!
3. Scan the completed paper (600 DPI if possible) and send to OR submit via Tumblr.
Any examples?
Look at here! Each page, below, has been created by a group of passengers aboard the same flight.
The Passenger Project
Participate | Submit
And… enjoy the flight!