WORLD The world is not the frightening place told by the mass media. To demonstrate it, some communication and information professionals, in the field of creativity or journalism, have decided to take a radical position: to publish and share only good news! Together with Mauro Gatti, founder of The Happy Broadcast, we reflect on the reasons: from the inspirational power of good examples to mental health. But first let’s take a look at other “positive and constructive” editorial projects such as The Upside columns of The Guardian and Fixes by The New York Times, the pioneering Positive News magazine and the more recent Reasons to be Cheerful founded by artist and musician David Byrne. [Do you know any others? Comment the post!]

PISTOIA “The noise of the wheels on the still-warm tile of the patio woke my companions up; it was past 2 AM when I reached the plant nursery and the flat surrounded by yuccas, exhausted from a long car drive and wandering around in the middle of nowhere. Pistoia and its asleep villas seemed to be a lookout checking for strangers like me; I rushed in with no other expectation than a good night of sleep and here they were, waiting for me.” Continue reading this (true) story by Marie Beckrich | illustration: Tom Treadway | #CCTravellers2017

PALERMO è la sua città e lei è la sua Battaglia, Letizia Battaglia. La fotografa (non solo) della mafia, oggi 82enne, continua a lottare e a cambiare le cose. Con coraggio, libertà e passione. Ancora un gesto d’amore, il Centro Internazionale di Fotografia nei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa. Che non vediamo l’ora di visitare! Intanto, abbiamo visto la sua mostra al Museo MAXXI (Roma) e qui proviamo a raccontarvi questa grande donna, questa grande persona.