PISTOIA Questa Domenica 30 Giugno 2019, ci vediamo a Castagno di Piteccio per il primo Borgo Museo Festival: un festival diffuso con varie attività creative e culturali, per grandi e piccoli, che animeranno, dalle 9 del mattino alle 2 di notte, ogni angolo del Borgo Museo di Pistoia! • Un progetto a cura di CCT-SeeCity per la Pro Loco di Castagno, con la compartecipazione del Comune di Pistoia. Felici ed emozionati, vi aspettiamo quindi a Castagno, insieme al CdP staff & agli Abitanti 🙂 #SeeCity & Love, CCTeam

PISTOIA Comò Mag. tells stories through a direct contact with people. It finds inspiration in those who dedicate time to their passions. For this reason, during the experience as CCTravellers, it has decided to dwell on who the city lives every day in a curious and creative way: “We’ve been immersed for three days in Pistoia’s life and now our drawers are full of new stories to share. We invite you to our journey, made up of faces and words, those of the beautiful people we met.”

PISTOIA Here are the 50 guests selected through the “CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2017” that has received 304 submissions from all around the World! The #CCTravellers2017 will spend some days in Pistoia – Italian Capital of Culture 2017 – from mid July to mid September, to explore the city and find their story… to tell and share on our web guidezine!