MADRID Anche se la proposta di portare una fiera d’arte dentro un hotel non è troppo nuova, Room Art Fair è stata la prima a creare (nel 2011) questa insolita esperienza nella capitale spagnola, grazie ad Ana Sanfrutos (di Siviglia) e Aida Chavez (di Almería). Il nome dice chiaramente di cosa si tratta: esposizioni che hanno luogo in camere in cui proprio tutto, letto e gabinetto inclusi, diventa uno stand per opere d’arte. E altre poche cose sono certe: la bellezza dell’hotel (ogni anno il “luogo di transito” scelto cambia), la qualità delle gallerie internazionali selezionate e il talento dei loro artisti emergenti. Inoltre, un ricco programma di varie attività creative, incontri e spettacoli. Per seguire questa e le prossime edizioni: www.roomartfair.com.
ROOM ART FAIR is a fledgling independent art fair which brings together some of the most recent work of emerging artists from Europe.
RAF was the first art fair in Spain to provide a platform for the work of young artists in unconventional exhibition spaces. Our goal is to remove the barrier between the art market and the general public, promoting art which is both affordable and the fruit of the latest artistic tendencies.
The fair has held four previous editions in different hotels in Madrid, in which each hotel room houses an exhibition of work curated by participating art galleries and independent curators. By day, these hotel rooms are transformed into exhibition spaces, and by night, they serve as accommodation for the exhibitors. This arrangement promotes cohabitation and synergy between different profiles from the art world.
ROOM ART FAIR began in 2011 as a result of the initiative of a young team made of differing profiles, whose objective is to promote contemporary art.