SEETIES La spiaggia (per nudisti) a Barcelona e moltissime altre… “À la Plage”è una coloratissima serie fotografica sulle spiagge del mondo – dagli scogli di Amalfi allo skate park di Venice Beach – viste dal cielo e raccolte in un libro: “Beaches”. Per il New York Times, già un best seller del 2016. Buona estate, buon mare e buona tintarella a tutti!
Shooting from doorless helicopter, this series has been photographed around the world from the U.S. to Brazil to Australia. From above, a simple beach or pool becomes a blank canvas that allows Gray to start seeing the world as art. People and objects become patterns creating repetition, shape and form. These photographs are a visual celebration of color, light, shape and summer bliss. Gray Malin’s book BEACHES became a New York Times Best Seller on June 2nd, 2016.
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