Meri Vesanovic

About Meri Vesanovic
In a few words, I'm a versatile mix of sarcasm, art and clumsiness, and if you see a girl theatrically singing Beyoncé at karaoke, that's probably me. I am currently a student of Master studies in Art History and Italian language and literature in Split, Croatia and I also have a bachelor degree in the same fields. I am a huge lover of art, traveling and meeting different cultures. Finishing my recent internship in an art gallery in Rome, I refined my curating senses and gained even more interest to tell stories through pictures I see with my eyes or with lenses of my trusty phone. I speak 4 languages (English, Italian, French and Spanish) and also enjoying being in a multicultural surrounding. Coming from an old and historic town, I have an appreciation for cultural heritage that shaped our past and that's in the same way indicating our future.