Trifoglio: mappa interattiva ☘️

Erika Mazzoni Wagner

The Borgo Museo of Pistoia and its Trifoglio* – a selection of slow walks suitable for everyone and connecting Castagno to the villages Piteccio, San Mommè, Signorino.

Trifoglio: interactive map

By clicking on the button/link Trifoglio: interactive map you will find a selection of five slow walks suitable for everyone – expert or amateur hikers, children and adults – connecting Castagno di Piteccio “Borgo Museo of Pistoia” to three villages around: Piteccio, San Mommè, Signorino. The walks traced and briefly described indicate various places of naturalistic and cultural, historical and architectural interest. Note: the suggested times are designed on the basis of the concept of “slowness”, ideal for those who love wandering between art and nature, pausing to observe and admire.

The interactive map was created by Michel Bruni – Environmental Hiking Guide (GAE) of Tuscany Hiking and Gruppo Castanea – who personally traced the footpaths by noting waypoints, trail times, height difference. This cartographic tool is accessible through a simple link, easy to read and free.

Here the embedded map:

Visualizza a schermo intero

* Trifoglio: pianta a tre foglie = three-leaf plant; (botany) clover | shamerock | trefoil. Trifoglio because the shape drawn on the map by tracing this selection of slow walks shows like three leaves with Castagno in the heart and Piteccio, San Mommè, Signorino at the three vertices.

Trifoglio: mappa interattiva