ALIVE – un viaggio nelle terre selvagge canadesi

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CANADA Amiamo le “Seeties” ma amiamo anche la Natura e vogliamo mostrarvi questo viaggio nelle terre selvagge filmato da Florian Nick, di base a Stuttgart: “Ho viaggiato 5500 km in sei settimane explorando i vasti paesaggi della British Columbia e Alberta in Canada, cercando sempre di posizionare la mia attrezzatura fotografica davanti gli scenari più belli. Con 54.000 singole foto scattate lungo il percorso ho creato ALIVE – un video timelapse che ti porta in un vivido viaggio attraverso foreste selvagge, lungo le rive di laghi cristallini e su per le colline di montagne imponenti. Realizzando questo progetto, voglio sensibilizzare sul nostro meraviglioso pianeta Terra di cui abbiamo il privilegio di essere parte. Sul motivo per cui dobbiamo assumerci la responsabilità di tutto questo – del posto in cui viviamo”.


This was shot at Lake O’Hara, one of the most captivating sceneries I have ever experienced. I decided to hike up to this incredible viewpoint for sunset and kept shooting until there was no light left to work with. That was the moment when I found myself alone in the darkness on the edge of a cliff. Should I take the risk of hiking down the steep and forested trail in the darkness potentially ending up as grizzly bear food? Or should I rather just stay up here all night and do another timelapse of the milky way? Without camping gear and food, I stayed and spent another 5 hours in the cold darkness until the sun came back up. Even though the shot of the milky way didn’t even make it into the final film there is nothing I regret about staying up on this mountain all night all alone without a tent in bear territory. Just because it was one of these adventures that made my trip so memorable. . . . . . . . . sponsored by @emotimo @arcteryx @taluslodge #timelapse #filmmaking #film #timelapsevideo #explorealberta #travelalberta @travelalberta #imagesofcanada #ExploreCanada #beautifuldestinations #passionpassport #natureaddict #ourplanetdaily #liveauthentic #sonyalpha #exklusive_shot #neverstopexploring #natgeo #artofvisuals #AGameofTones #wildernessculture #visualsoflife #stayandwander #earthfocus #lifeofadventure #LiveOutdoors #discoverearth #exploretocreate #TheGreatOutdoors #earthoutdoors #justgoshoot

Un post condiviso da Flo Nick (@flo.nick) in data:

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