ITALY The main dictionaries (like for example Treccani) explain that “color carne” (flesh-coloured) is “a pale pink color, similar to that of human flesh”. Two communication professionals, co-founders of Bold Stories, have recently worked on this crazy but also common expression. Their reflection and research became an advocacy project to “change color to flesh color, from pink to all the colours of humanity.” We then thought of a poem, À mon frère blanc by Léopold Sédar Senghor, which demonstrates the absurdity of another “toubab” expression: person or population of colour. With words we think, we communicate, we create culture, we make politics, we build society. We must take extreme care of them. Long live those who question themselves, long live critical thinking which frees us from preconceptions, which helps us deconstruct the “norm”.

ITALIA Un atlante delle emozioni, una fotografia nitida di questo momento storico. Ogni racconto, anche il più breve, è una finestra sul mondo di chi ha donato la sua storia. Il libro è disponibile su Amazon in versione ebook e print-on-demand. Il ricavato delle vendite andrà a sostegno delle attività del Dipartimento Protezione Civile nazionale per l’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19.