
PALERMO inspires. Writer John Muir said: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” And this is what Ana y Marta – two Spanish creative sisters, part of the #CCTravellers2018 project – found during their walk in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. For you, a visual inspirational story. #SeeCity

NORWAY ‘A Nordic Skater’ is a short film by Paulius Neverbickas, filmmaker with a big passion for action sports and camping in the wilderness, who’s always trying to inspire people to go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. Exactly like in his last work featuring Per Sollerman, a photographer who has been skating on frozen lakes and fjords for the past 10 years, because: “It is rooted deep in our bones that we need to be out in the nature”. Watch this story!

MACERATA Un progetto fotografico (ideato dal collettivo Terra Racconta) che è la narrazione intelligente, ironica e sensibile, di un territorio – quello marchigiano – fatto di sempre più persone che scelgono di restare o tornare. Storie meravigliose di resilienza, coraggio e passione. Adesso in mostra sugli spazi della pubblica affissione, sparsi in città!

ANCONA Le Marche candidano i Monti Sibillini e la fascia appenninica regionale a Riserva “MAB – Man and Biosphere” Unesco: un progetto per valorizzare il territorio e rilanciare in particolare le aree interne, da Ascoli a Pesaro. Con questa bella notizia, condividiamo un video di tre intensi minuti che fa proprio venir voglia di raggiungere subito le cime di “quei monti azzurri” (come li ricordava il poeta Leopardi).

PRATO After the incredible ‘Grand Tour’ of last year, we want to continue to explore the places of industrial archeology in Tuscany, together with TAI – Tuscan Art Industry! And this year we’ll try to involve both “CCTravellers” and “Local Hosts”. Reason why, in addition to shortly present you the program of TAI 2018 (from 20 October to 20 November), we simultaneously launch two “CALLS”: one for all the creative curious travellers of the World and another for the inhabitants of Prato who’ll want to host the #CCTravellers in their city!

FIRENZE Could we not participate in this experiment? Of course not! Now we have just to wait for the results of the analysis, we’ll follow the study and keep you updated… Meanwhile, if you are in Florence or if you happen to go to the Tuscan city (by 26th August 2018), you know that at Palazzo Strozzi there are a slightly scary slide and a little tender bean plant waiting for you! 🙂