PISTOIA “The noise of the wheels on the still-warm tile of the patio woke my companions up; it was past 2 AM when I reached the plant nursery and the flat surrounded by yuccas, exhausted from a long car drive and wandering around in the middle of nowhere. Pistoia and its asleep villas seemed to be a lookout checking for strangers like me; I rushed in with no other expectation than a good night of sleep and here they were, waiting for me.” Continue reading this (true) story by Marie Beckrich | illustration: Tom Treadway | #CCTravellers2017

FIRENZE Dal cous cous al tajine, dal djellaba di sabra al foulard di seta, dal gioiello in stile arabo all’essenze profumate per il corpo, dall’olio d’Argan alle spezie, dalle ceramiche di Fes al tadelakt, dalle fotografie del deserto al libro in lingua francese o araba, inedito in Italia. Appena entrerete in questo luogo di sorprese e aromi colorati, non saprete da dove iniziare a guardare.