ROMA in una guida che è prima di tutto un bellissimo album fotografico! 132 immagini che raccontano 99 luoghi suddivisi in 7 categorie (introdotte da mappe): Architettura + Strade e Vicoli + Street Art + Scalinate e Colonnati + Porte, Portoni e Insegne + Panorami + Pillole. Tutto incorniciato da indirizzi precisi, orari di visita, informazioni essenziali, utili consigli e alcune curiosità. E tutto a cura di Anna Scrigni: una vera esploratrice urbana con la passione per la fotografia ed Instagram! #SomewhereAroundRome #SeeCity

PALERMO Here are the 60 guests selected through the “CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018” that has received 412 submissions from all around the World! The #CCTravellers2018 will spend some days in Palermo – Italian Capital of Culture 2018 – from 14th June to 24th July, to explore the city and find their story… to tell and share on our web guidezine! * photo by Simona Lo Nero | travel blogger from Palermo at []

PISTOIA in 2017 was the Italian Capital of Culture and @Igers_Pistoia during the year, through Instagram, has involved citizens and not in the photographic and social storytelling of the city, suggesting a new theme every fifteen days or rather a “photographic challenge”. On over 500 photographs collected, more than 80 have been selected and from tomorrow (27th February) they’ll be on display (until 10th March) in the atrium of the Palazzo Comunale (in Piazza del Duomo, 1). Among these, also some photos shared by the #CCTravellers2017!

PARIS without its Tour Eiffel. Impossible even to imagine, today. But if some French intellectuals would have won their battle, the Iron Lady (Dame de Fer) might have survived for maybe just twenty years or maybe less. The French originally hated it. If not all, certainly an important group of high-profile artists, thinkers and creatives who signed a petition to protest against the tower during its construction. They expressed all their hate towards this “useless” and “monstrous” monument with a love letter to their City of Lights (Ville Lumière) and finesse, published on Valentine’s Day 1887.