The Mastaba by Christo in Hyde Park – floating art at its best
LONDON Art to see! Some photos from the temporary floating sculpture on The Serpentine Lake – visible until 23 September 2018.
LONDON Art to see! Some photos from the temporary floating sculpture on The Serpentine Lake – visible until 23 September 2018.
SEETIES The smartphone as a creative tool for visual storytelling: How do smartphones change our way of seeing, observing, capturing? Are images taken on smartphones simple snaps or art works on their own right? We have decided to learn more about this topic interviewing Rosa Roth, founder and editor-in-chief of THE SMART VIEW – an inspirational independent magazine dedicated to mobile photography.
LONDON Architect Frida Escobedo has been commissioned to design the Serpentine Pavilion 2018 in Hyde Park. It is beautiful, inspiring, refreshing and simply wonderful. Definitely worth visiting if you are in London before 7th October 2018.
FIRENZE Could we not participate in this experiment? Of course not! Now we have just to wait for the results of the analysis, we’ll follow the study and keep you updated… Meanwhile, if you are in Florence or if you happen to go to the Tuscan city (by 26th August 2018), you know that at Palazzo Strozzi there are a slightly scary slide and a little tender bean plant waiting for you! 🙂
PISTOIA “From the quietest streets to the busy market day, from the city underground to the top of its mountains; with my travelling mindset I will share some of my beautiful ‘CCTravel’ moments around Pistoia with you.” – Here is the story by Teija Vaittinen, Berlin-based theatre artist from Finland. #CCTravellers2017
MILANO We are very happy to renew our media partnership for this project that we follow with admiration and passion since its birth (year 2012) and we strongly invite all emerging artists who read us to participate! NOTE: it’s possible to apply until 19th April 2018.
SEETIES & WOMEN From Venus de Milo to Kim Kardashian in a video directed by Anna Ginsburg (London) for CNN that examines beauty through the ages.
NEW YORK It took three months of calculations to build this reduced model of the Manhattan district, using old and broken electronic parts. Who made this work? Zayd Menk, apparently a very young artist, a 17-year-old student who lives in Zimbabwe. He made this artwork for his school art project.
TANKWA TOWN In the semidesert Karoo – halfway along the R355, a 250km untarred road between Calvinia and Ceres in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa (that means on the longest stretch in the country without petrol stations, nearby assistance, phone signal) – there is a magic place: a temporary city that every year since 2007 appears and disappears in just one week.
PARIS without its Tour Eiffel. Impossible even to imagine, today. But if some French intellectuals would have won their battle, the Iron Lady (Dame de Fer) might have survived for maybe just twenty years or maybe less. The French originally hated it. If not all, certainly an important group of high-profile artists, thinkers and creatives who signed a petition to protest against the tower during its construction. They expressed all their hate towards this “useless” and “monstrous” monument with a love letter to their City of Lights (Ville Lumière) and finesse, published on Valentine’s Day 1887.
SEETIES & THE UNIVERSE. “On the scale of a galaxy, let alone the universe, we’re smaller than we can readily comprehend, but we do have the capacity to wonder, to question, to explore, to investigate, and to imagine. So the next time you stand gazing up at the night sky, take a moment to think about the enormity of what is beyond your vision, out in the dark spaces between the stars.”
SEETIES The international photography print publication Latent Image Magazine is collecting visual stories for their spring 2018 issue. Deadline: 1st March!