CCT is an independent editorial participatory web platform made by an ever-growing creative GLOBAL COMMUNITY of writers, photographers, filmmakers, illustrators, artists [CCTzens & CCTravellers] who explore the world [Seeties] and share beautiful eternal LOCAL STORIES according to their cultural interests and passions.
- See our Media Kit.
What can I do with CCT?
- Have and manage a personal account/profile as Author on this web guidezine [www.cct-seecity.com] to publish posts = tell beautiful eternal stories you want to share with the World!
- Be part of a global creative community to share projects, collaborate with, join some special Calls!
- Publish stories (posts) about Places and People, Travels and Cultures – about Seeties – [in multimedia format: text, photo, video, illustration] that CCT will share on its social media.
- Publish events that involve you as organiser/promoter/artist: CCT will show them on its Calendar/Map and shares them on its social media (as any other post).
- Create CCTours for curious people who share your same interests/passions in any creative cultural field/theme you do love! [*]
- Be potentially involved by the CCTeam in collaborative editorial projects and in co-creating Native Advertising & Content Marketing = ADVertorials & Sponsored Stories. Or in co-creating editorial content for other Media. [*]
- Sell & Create ADVertorials: invite local independent commercial activities (that you like!) to tell us their stories. If in harmony with our editorial line and so approved by the CCTeam, you can tell their story [in a beautiful eternal post] and earn. [*]
- Sell & Create Sponsored Stories: invite Brands/Companies (that you like!) to be our Publisher = to sponsor an editorial project in harmony with CCT. [*]
- Submit your editorial proposal to be supported by the CCTeam! [*]
- This [*] symbol means you can earn from that contribution; according to your work, CCT will share the budget with you [CCT takes from 20% to 50% and you the rest, from 50% to 80%].
- CCTips: 1) Before spending money in a concert or festival or whatever cultural event ticket, consider the opportunity to ask for a free pass as you can “pay” in [high quality] Native Advertising and Content Marketing (from a tag/link inside a post to an entire ADVertorial). 2) Before spending money in any local service/product you need to travel or to experience a city/place – to tell then about on this web guidezine – (e.g. B&B, Museum, etc…), consider that you can feature it – so ask them if they can host you or give you their service/product for free. > IMPORTANT: All this content must be in harmony with the editorial line of CCT and so – every time – approved by the CCTeam. Please, email to [hello@cct-seecity.com] with your precise proposal to feature “X” and how.
Last but not least:
Please, ALWAYS REMEMBER about our “Seelosophy” and editorial line: CCT looks for details that make the difference because – we believe – different is beautiful! Know more about our ConCepT.
Useful pages (we often update):
- Media Kit to ask for sponsorships.
- Guidelines to know how to be a perfect Author!
Questions? Doubts? Ideas? Proposals? Do not hesitate to contact the CCTeam: hello@cct-seecity.com.
Thank you for being part of our community and sharing with us your STORIES, what you LOVE, your cultural interests and PASSIONS!!! ❤ Not yet part of our community? Join us now! 😉