Dear Applicant,
THANK YOU for your submission! We are very happy 🙂
- Here is the call you applied for: CALL for Creative Curious Travellers 2018 | Palermo, Italy
We are selecting about 40/50 creative people among 412 applications received from all around the world and planning the calendar. As you have already learned from our email, you have been selected by the CCTeam & Partners! So now it’s very important you CONFIRM your participation, this way:
- Reply to our email confirming your ARRIVAL DATE.
- Send us the Registration Fee (25 euros per person) – see below.
- Download this two-page document: #CCTravellers2018 Project – TERMS of COLLABORATION > Sign it > Send it to us via email > Done! 🙂
How to send the Registration Fee
- 25 euros = 1 person
- 50 euros = 2 people
- 75 euros = 3 people
1. BANK TRANSFER to: Associazione Culturale CCT-SEECITY | Bank: Poste Italiane – Bancoposta (Prato 5) viale Fratelli Cervi, 29 – 59100 Prato (PO) – Italy | IBAN: IT 49 V 07601 02800 001010823894 – Thank you!
2. PAYPAL: go here + digit your amount and click. – Thank you!
3. ONLINE PAYMENT via PAYPAL or OTHER CARDS: just click on this “Donate button” here below + digit your amount and confirm. – Thank you!
We’ll wait for your feedback and confirmation – please, as soon as possible, by May 24th! Thank you.
After your Confirmation, we’ll send you soon more info and details, your address and contacts in Palermo and then… we’ll see you soon! 🙂