WORK-IN-PROGRESS… (This page is going to be updated very soon!)
2008 July/August Elena, Eleonora and Patric are studying Spanish at the same school in Barcelona. Elena and Eleonora always eat croissantitos for breakfast. They try them in all the bakeries they find on their way. They think: we should write a guide, maybe a blog, where people can find the best places to eat in Barcelona. Especially the best croissantitos.
2009 April Elena is impressed by Patric’s photo albums she sees on his Facebook profile.
2009 May Elena goes to Zurig to meet Patric. They discuss the idea of creating a website. She loves writing. He loves taking pictures. They both love traveling and mojitos. So, after a long chat in a bar next the Limmat river, they make a toast to their project with mojito.
2009 June The idea finds a name: SeeCity. They think they can write it also like this: CCT. Both “SeeCity” and “CCT” already exist as websites. This is why they have to choose for
2009 July Patric goes to Milan to meet Elena. He has one week to make two photo galleries: first Florence and second Milan. On the train to Florence Patric imagines the CCT logo: the two letters “CC” are two eyes while the “T”, graphically inverted, is the mouth of a smiling profile. Elena and Patric walk for two days in Florence and then for two days in Milan. Patric takes a lot of pictures and he chooses to name his serial galleries: “Walking by …”. And while they are walking in Milan, Elena and Patric fix the official date of CCT’s birth: 9th Semptember. 09/09/09 is definitely the perfect day.
2009 August Patric takes pictures in Zurig for the third gallery. Lara (from Webtitude Communication) designs the website. Elena and Eleonora start writing stuff.
09/09/09 CCT was born!
2011 August CCT website has a new cool design thanks to Lara.
2011 September Since 2011 summer, CCT is media partner of PUF! Pistoia Underground Festival 2011, held in Pistoia from 16th to 30th September. This art and music festival at its first edition wins the Best Breakthrough Festival Award 2011, in Italy.
Today CCT is now a young team growing up. Its core is in Prato, Tuscany (Italy), but it has correspondents from all the world. CCT has got several journalists and photographers. All the contributors are special and important. CCT’s dream and goal is to be everywhere, telling us about and showing us the wonderful variety of the world we live in, thanks to a global network made of many local collaborators. CCT is sure one day its “city list” will include all the cities of this small big world.
Tomorrow CCT will be a glocal community with editors and contributors from all around the world who’ll tell about “places”, stories and people of this wonderful global village, city-world or world-city that is.